Well there is this lad, and I've liked him for a long time, since we met in September '05.
I managed to curb my liking for him throughout his relationship with his long term girlfriend at the time, and was there for him when they broke up last year. He was devastated, as she was his everything. I was the one he turned to.
I've been there for him whenever he needed me, helping him back on his feet. Now he is 'dating' again, but I am unsure about the exclusivity of this relationship. He doesn't talk about her too much, and seems to call me first. It seems like he's open for offers to me, knowing him as well as I do.
I forgot to mention, he has always flirted with me, even when he was in a relationship.
He came around to my house today, and it was so nice, just being with him, messing around y'know?
I just need your thoughts on whether he likes me, and whether I should just take the plunge like I know I should have already done (I held back because he was very stressed during exam/coursework season. When he found this new girl, I was devastated, as well as shocked- it was unexpected.), and any advice on how to go about it.