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hmm...good question i've always wondered y they have that
Reply 2
I hate that system, how do they think people marked these things when they couldnt just scan it all over the place....god forbid they'd actually need to earn their money...
Reply 3
It depends on the exam and the exam board. Often your original papers will be sent off to examiners, and a copy kept by the board. In Maths the examiner marks the original. In fact it's only Edexcel science which I know is marked online :smile:.
Reply 4
It's a puzzler... do they scan Maths papers due to the pencil?

Edit: Oh, after reading comment above, never mind :smile:
Edexcel is apparently one of the worst exam boards for getting marks squiddled u end up getting an A when your only expected a D and vice versa...though i'm sure not many ppl would complain about the first scenario......... :p: my friend told me this when I said that i was doing maths with them...didn't rle inspire confidence tbh!!

K xxxxx
Reply 6
On the front of all the maths papers, it says to only use HB pencils. I have no idea what grade pencil I used, so does anyone know if this will make a difference???
Reply 7
Well, unless you've got some fancy art pencils for some reason in a maths exam, the chances are it's an B anyway.

The scanning it in thing seems ludicrous to me. Just seems massively over engineered. Also gives rise to electrical faults, even power cuts, screwing up your exams.
ive done the whole of both papers in pencil? Does that matter?
Reply 9
On a somewhat related note: for my maths exam today, I used some additional paper for working out on one of the questions. I slipped this sheet in between the pages where the question was which I had needed the working out paper for. I did specify which question the working out was for and, just in case, I included my centre and candidate numbers on the spare paper. Will this be scanned in and marked, marked in an alternative way, or will it remain unmarked... ?
I know WJEC marks papers by hand because we have had a look at some actual examples that were sent back to the school for english, and it had the examiners marking on the paper in red!
Reply 11
On a somewhat related note: for my maths exam today, I used some additional paper for working out on one of the questions. I slipped this sheet in between the pages where the question was which I had needed the working out paper for. I did specify which question the working out was for and, just in case, I included my centre and candidate numbers on the spare paper. Will this be scanned in and marked, marked in an alternative way, or will it remain unmarked... ?

It will just be given to the examiner along with the paper. You have provided enough details, there is little chance of it getting muddled up :smile:.
Reply 12
It will just be given to the examiner along with the paper. You have provided enough details, there is little chance of it getting muddled up :smile:.

Ah, good. Thanks. :smile:
Howcome you didnt fasten the Additional Answer sheet to your paper using a treasury clip thing Princess?
Reply 14
Howcome you didnt fasten the Additional Answer sheet to your paper using a treasury clip thing Princess?

I didn't ask for one. :redface: I suppose that was mentioned in the instructions, but I never read them.
Reply 15
It depends on the exam and the exam board. Often your original papers will be sent off to examiners, and a copy kept by the board. In Maths the examiner marks the original. In fact it's only Edexcel science which I know is marked online :smile:.

Wrong. Maths is marked online. My dad is a principal examiner and marks maths papers on his computer - using a special program.
edexcel exams are scanned and sent for online marking to save on postage costs. hence u will notice bar codes on the bottom of pages of the newer edexcel exam papers e.g. maths, geography. my teacher has warned us to write within the box for each question, anything outside will not get scanned and therefore will not be marked.
Reply 17
if that is the case, the answer is "referred" - if it would have made a difference in the grade, the exam paper is looked up and the question is marked on the exam paper (or something along those lines......i know it gets "referred" anyway....and something like that happens - - not sure here)
Oh right Princess - the norm is in our school if you get an extra sheet you are given a tag - i used an extra page and i included it.

And with the barcodes - all the OCR ones so far that I have done now have them so do you think they are doing the same thing this year?
Reply 19
i'll tell you what really worries me
i'm scared that i'll get a wrong grade or something or the wrong mark on my results day because of a mistake, or because this person in my school has got the exact same name as me..

i know theres a unique candidate number but it worries me :frown: