Being a 'rich kid' myself, i can understand where you are coming from sezba. You really shouldn't worry about it, the majority of affluent people are actually kind. Sure, there are a few tossers who believe they are bigger than God, however they are a minority. I'm sure you'll be fine in CC, and i'm sure you 'will' fit in with the wealthy guys. It's ashame i'm not applying until next year, otherwise i would have tried to make you feel welcome!
Oh, i just ignore the derogatory terms (eg. Posh b******). I'll admit, i'm not exactly subtle when it comes to clothing and accessories - You'd be amazed at the number of people whom ignored me for a week due to the fact i wore Prada glasses! - however it's easy to ignore. This may sound snobbish, but why let petty insults get you down? So what if you have money, it's your parent's who earned it, not you. Luckily, i have great friends - most of whom are 'normal' people. Nowadays, i only recieve the odd petty remark from particular tossers, so it 'does' indeed wear thin after a while!