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Reply 1
If you are looking for them you will find them...
However I lived at CC for first yr and met the most amazing people..
Lots of international students - with whom I will be sharing a flat next yr. We're kind of like a mini UN!
Where ever you go in life there will be people from all different socioeconomic backgrounds. You'll hang out with the people that you want to and avoid/ignore the ones you don't want to hang out with.
CC is HUGE, you'll meet lots of really interesting people and I believe it's the newest residence (built in 2003) so you'll have lots of space and new facilities - which is why I picked it.
See you in Sept!
Reply 2
If you are looking for them you will find them...
However I lived at CC for first yr and met the most amazing people..
Lots of international students - with whom I will be sharing a flat next yr. We're kind of like a mini UN!
Where ever you go in life there will be people from all different socioeconomic backgrounds. You'll hang out with the people that you want to and avoid/ignore the ones you don't want to hang out with.
CC is HUGE, you'll meet lots of really interesting people and I believe it's the newest residence (built in 2003) so you'll have lots of space and new facilities - which is why I picked it.
See you in Sept!

Thanks for that, wise words lol made me feel alot better!!!!
Be warned of the dangers of stereotyping people purely because of where they live- of course you'll get some "rich kids" but, even then, those I met there were mostly lovely and never made me feel any different to them, even though I'm always pretty skint. If you go in with prejudgements, you'll find it quite hard to relate to anyone there and, hence, hard to make friends.

And for the record, the only person I ever met who I could call a full-on, spoiled little rich **** lived in Masson. He told a security guard that was giving him a *******ing "I could buy you".
You'll find your niche and fit in wherever you end up. Yes, CC is infamous within Edinburgh for being the place where all the rich kids live, purely because its the most expensive accommodation, but really, the rich kids live anywhere in university accommodation. Wherever you live in Edinburgh you will find someone who could be classed as a "rich kid"... but you know, most of these rich kids are actually pretty decent. Some are absolute ****s but you don't have to be friends with them, but then anyone can be a **** you don't have to be rich to be one.

However, CC is also home to some of the loveist "unrich" people you'll ever meet. Several of my really good friends have lived there this year and loved it, it is definitley what you make it just like anywhere, be it halls or flats.

And anyway don't worry about it yet you might not end up living in CC and get one of your other choices, or even still, you might not end up in Pollock at all. Don't stress when you don't have to!

Michael- I met a guy from Chancellors in freshers week who was paying his fees in cash... he was an international student from America but had been educated in the UK (i think) and took me into his room to show me the 10 grand he had stashed away to take to matriculation!! Then we went to The Craggs and he run up a bar tab of several hundred pounds as he was literally buying everyone and anyone their drinks.... never saw him again, don't even know his name, but boy he was a **** who loved himself.
Reply 5
For the record, I applied to Chancellor's and I'm not a spoilt little rich kid.


Reply 6
hey talking from the other side, im a rich kid..but i dont think im a bad known in my school for always being happy:smile: and i got v sad when i went to some opendays and people heard my voice and called me a rah and stayed away from me,its worse as i know im not one! oh and i didnt apply to CC went self catered. money means nothing when it comes to your personality and likes:biggrin: i hope you have a good time at edinburgh please dont think anything of these stereo(spelt that right?) types...
Reply 7
Also, note to self (and everyone here too.)

Because accommodation applications this year have been different to last year, meaning you can apply to specific houses this year whereas last year you just applied to Pollock and everyone paid the same amount and you just got thrown in wherever, *BREATHE*, you can expect there to be a fair few well off people in CC.


Being called a 'rah' or a 'sloane' is completely redundant these days because the terms are far too casually used. It's the whole archetypal fashion/image thing. ie. Ugg boots, Jack Wills, messy hair and pashminas. And I might add, most of which includes myself, but SO WHAT? Loads of my friends fit that description perfectly but it says nothing about them as people. So I wouldn't worry too much about this whole rich kid thing. I'm sure that everyone will intergrate fine and there won't be too many problems, especially with regards social class/standing. It is the 21st century after all.
Reply 8
Is saying you don't want to be with rich people any worse than saying "my, i do hope i'm not placed with those ghastly poor children. One does believe that would be terrible. They may even partake in the consumption of something i heard mentioned when i accidentally went into a mcdonalds (terrible experience one must add) called a 'pop noodle'."?

But then again, is stereotyping the way people talk any better?:biggrin: :redface:
Agreeing with what everyone has said, being a jerk is a privilege that all classes can take advantage of, not just the rich...thankfully, the majority of humanity has decided that they can live without it. I went to a relatively high-powered boarding school for high school (what you fine people would call a public school), and it had its share of SOBs, but also some really fantastic people whom I'm proud to have been associated with. So don't be afraid of living with rich people!
Reply 10
Being a 'rich kid' myself, i can understand where you are coming from sezba. You really shouldn't worry about it, the majority of affluent people are actually kind. Sure, there are a few tossers who believe they are bigger than God, however they are a minority. I'm sure you'll be fine in CC, and i'm sure you 'will' fit in with the wealthy guys. It's ashame i'm not applying until next year, otherwise i would have tried to make you feel welcome!

Oh, i just ignore the derogatory terms (eg. Posh b******). I'll admit, i'm not exactly subtle when it comes to clothing and accessories - You'd be amazed at the number of people whom ignored me for a week due to the fact i wore Prada glasses! - however it's easy to ignore. This may sound snobbish, but why let petty insults get you down? So what if you have money, it's your parent's who earned it, not you. Luckily, i have great friends - most of whom are 'normal' people. Nowadays, i only recieve the odd petty remark from particular tossers, so it 'does' indeed wear thin after a while!
Reply 11
I'm hardly rich, but my parents are better off than many; better off than the vast majority at my school - and people actualy act as if it's an insult. As if i should be ashamed that my parents do well.:rolleyes:
Reply 12
Indeed - from what I notice, Edinburgh does seem to have a rather large (and completely artificial!) class barrier. You're either a rah or you're not - I don't much like that part of the ethos.

I mean, why on earth stereotype everybody from one hall of residence as snobbish, arrogant and so forth? It's nonsense.
Reply 13
i'm on a gap year travelling atm, and quelle surprise as soon as you get out of the indian subcontinent (india, nepal, sri lanka) and into south east asia the majority of under 21 travellers are public school kids - but this isn't a bad thing. Yes the wear jumpers, bikini bottoms and no pants (what is that all about) have scruffed up hair that took 45 minutes to create and love Jack wills and the obligatory Abercrombie - but their not a half bad bunch. They're are of course, a few knobjockeys, and sadley they take a few nice people with them into a little clique where they argue about the size of Daddy's yacht, but you can't let the bad few spoil a good bunch. Edinburgh has one of the lowest proportions of state school students in the county (worse than oxford or durham) and part of going is accepting the people that are going to be there - i still expect it to be diverse and a great laugh. People are people, no matter what their background, and when folk stereotype (rightly or wrongly) and judge they tend to miss this out.
Reply 14
I got my accomodation back the other day and I got into CC, I wouldn't say am a spoilt rich kid, I went to Annan Academy (very famous school, full of neds, chavs, teenage pregnancies, drug users). I just applied to what looked like the nicest halls, plus am tall and dont fit into showers very well so i would never have given anyone a chance in non-en-suite ones! lol:smile:
pollock has lots of "yah's" in it - not just in CC but those that didn't get into CC can be found in all the other houses - your just going to have to get used to the fact that Edinburgh, being Britain's richest city per head of the population, attracts a significant number of rich kids from all over the world.
I was a bit unsure about that too, when I found out my dad had applied for Chancellor's. However, I realised, there's that many people, you're bound to find someone alike to make friends with.

Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself...
Reply 17
I've still got my fingers crossed for CC!
Yah's aren't too bad! I come from a family who live in Mayfair and do the weekly shop at Selfridges food hall, and if I know Yah's then I know Yahs. You just need to stop them from 'yes, well today, I sold £139483903039483949484 worth of whatever' and get them talking about things that interest them. People will put on an exaggeration of themselves at first I'm sure because they're just as nervous as you, and once you transcend that barrier I'm sure you'll make some great friends.

Social classes don't really exist in this day and age and I don't think that people should self segrigate. If you do that then you'll complain about people not mixing when you could.

Evidently there will be an awful lot of people who will be nasty, but that's not because they're yahs, it's because they're nasty people.

David Camoron says Hug a Hoodie, I say 'say yes to a yah' even if it's for one day, if it doesn't work then so be it. I'm from Newcastle, so I'll probably not be classed as a yah, but if you met my cousins, oh dear...
Reply 19
You can get rich people who open their mouths and garbage falls out like slurry from a lorry, and you can also get friendly, intelligent less well off people. Not really about money. So I guess my answer to the question is people who pick Chancellor's court only have owning more money in common, and that's where it stops really.