I'm applying through the CSAS for health reasons, and wondered whether anyone could talk me though how it affects the application process.
(I've had ME since 2004, and only started to cope with it at the beginning of my AS year. Over the year I've been improving, but I missed a lot of school during the winter and had bad patches throughout the year. Because of this, my exam results aren't really at the standard they ought to be: A*A*A*AAAAB at GCSE, ABB at AS.)
Will the application process (from my perspective) be any different due to applying through the CSAS? Will they want to talk in depth about my illness and circumstances at school during the interview, or do they go solely by what the school writes on the form? Were I to be accepted, would the conditional offer be lower than AAA? (That said, I'm hoping to retake and get AAA anyway.)