The Student Room Group

Cambridge Chat (previously New Cambridge Students Entry 2004)

Are you sure that's a necessary condition for t to be a square?

16 is a square, but neither 8 or 2 are squares.

I'm missing something here lol.

For the 16 situation it won't work. Because, either n is odd, or n+1 is odd.
That's why I said I probably missed out on something. From what I remember, the first few numbers in the sequeneces we found gave every number that fit the criteria without missing anything out.

I'll spend sometime on it and see what I can come up with.

Yep it's a much better way to generate them than we've found. I asked Rich last night about it and he pointed me at:

this does seem to look vaguely similar to what you were saying

because like case1:

n = p^2
(n+1)/2 = q^2

p^2 = 2q^2 - 1 = (rt2.q + 1)(rt2.q - 1)

and well if n is an integer, then n^2k is a square, so I can see where that 2n came in. So yeah looks like this is definitely on the right lines
For the 16 situation it won't work. Because, either n is odd, or n+1 is odd.

oh yeah
Yep it's a much better way to generate them than we've found. I asked Rich last night about it and he pointed me at:

So what does this thing do? Generate n or generate T?
generates T
So what does this thing do? Generate n or generate T?

Never mind, found it on mathworld.
generates T

Did you read that article about this square triagular numbers? It didn't take Euler to figure out there are infinte numbers of such number that afternoon.
Did you read that article about this square triagular numbers? It didn't take Euler to figure out there are infinte numbers of such number that afternoon.

Did we? :redface:
Did we? :redface:

We as in my friend and I.
We as in my friend and I.

Ahh yes. Sorry =P
Ahh yes. Sorry =P

Are you going to follow my lead and have another go at it or not?
Can't you lot go and have a little mathematician's huddle in a corner somewhere? And stop making the rest of us look stupid? :tongue:
Can't you lot go and have a little mathematician's huddle in a corner somewhere? And stop making the rest of us look stupid? :tongue:

Did you know Tinky Winky is a gay role model?
Did you know Tinky Winky is a gay role model?

The purple one?
lol whatever!

i just have changed my profile pic to one of me WITHOUT my brace! :biggrin: <--like this
Can't you lot go and have a little mathematician's huddle in a corner somewhere? And stop making the rest of us look stupid? :tongue:

*Camford gives Squishy a warm cuddle in the Mathematicians' corner....(manly cuddle, nothing else)*
Did you know Tinky Winky is a gay role model?

Of course. Dont you think the poncho and sombrero help? :tongue:
Of course. Dont you think the poncho and sombrero help? :tongue:

and the dalmation print handbag!
Tinky Winky's too fat to be gay. Everybody knows gay people have rippling six packs.
Tinky Winky's too fat to be gay. Everybody knows gay people have rippling six packs.

Oi, he's a teletubby. Normal rule does not apply.