You now have your own special place. Please keep it busy and friendly.
Okey dokey people....this was originally an idea that's has been done...but its was seemingly taken over by the people who are already at Cambridge! And other unis like Durham have thriving versions of i pinched their idea...hehe!
EDIT: So this thread is for prospective students only...NO MORE PROSPECTIVE....WE'RE IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
I will begin...
Hello, i'm Geoff...I WILL BE studying law at Gonville and Caius College! other people....otherwise i'll be all lonely!
List Of Actual Cambridge People!
Ainsworth- ?, engineering at Girton- pic Androidkiller- Mike, natsci at Trinity Beauford- ?, maths at Trinity Comma- Lei, medicine at Jesus Counterpoint- Aleem, history at Fitz Crana- Rosie, bio natsci at Pembroke- picen guard!statue molestingbest chem setbluehair!les toilettes?- [email protected] Curious Orange- Tom, philosophy at Jesus Dreamer- ?, bio natsci at Corpus Faboba- Duncan, philosophy at Sidney Figgetyfig- Nikki, engineering at St. Catt's- pic Fluffstar- Kathy, natsci at Newnham- picwith benny Guido- ?, natsci at Christ's Gzftan- Geoff, law at Caius High_dro_jen- Jenni, philosophy at Tit Hall Joepbeng- Joe, engineering at Pembroke Kath- Kath, engineering at New Hall- before ripsawafter ripsaw Katie J- Katie, arch and anth at Newnham Katiyakat- Katy, geography at Newnham (REMEMBER THE Y!!!!!) Kupo_Nut- Ben, natsci at Selwyn -Laura- Laura, natsci at St Catts Lucerna- Michelle, bio natsci at Emma- pic Meepmeep- Andrew, maths at Trinity MentallyIll- ?, arch&anth at Wolfson Minta- ?, anglo-saxon, norse and celtic at New Hall Musicboy- Jacob, music at Robinson- [email protected] Naelsa- Selena, classics at Newnham Nans- ?, chemical engineering at Churchill Ogs- Alex, architecture at Tit Hall Oldthrashberg- ?, anglo-saxon, norse and celtic at John's Pollo Loco- Dan, vetsci at Girton Polthegael- Pol, medicine at Girton- pic Priya- Priya, mml at Sidney Ralfskini- Ralf, bio natsci at Emma- pic Rts- Richard, natsci at Churchill Scarlet Ibis- Amy (really Amy-Alys), architecture at Selwyn- pic- [email protected] Sjoshi- Shashank, economics at Caius Smilingsista- Meg, english at Robinson Squishy- Simon, Computer Science starting with Phys and maths at Robinson- pic- [email protected] The Duck- Tiffany, law at Emma Theoffender- Sam, natsci at St. Johns Willa- Will, natsci at Emma- [email protected]
Honorary Members Acaila- Amy -pic Clare M- Clare?, economics at Exeter Ellie4- Ellie (aka Mrs Acaila) Mobdeeprob- Rob (decent bloke....shame he supports Man U ) Musicman- Hew, music at Jesus (offerholder for 2005 entry) Visesh- Visesh, medicine at Kings (that's king's cambridge..not KCL!!!)(offerholder for 2005 entry)
mIRC Chat
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I am bothered!! I can't do 1 * 2.5 because 1 is an int!! Why can't ml just do 1*2.5 ?? It's stupid and lengthy. I have to use REAL.fromInt(1) * 2.5 and it comes out 2.5. (yes, capital REAL is necessary)
Well for more non-trivial programs it's quicker to do type hinting such as: fun s x:real = x*x;
Besides you shouldn't force the operators to have default types if you can avoid it anyway. There's no real reason why you wouldn't have wanted it to truncate 2.5 and do integer multiplication in your example. Forcing it to make a decision in a situation like that is bad style.
Well for more non-trivial programs it's quicker to do type hinting such as: fun s x:real = x*x;
Besides you shouldn't force the operators to have default types if you can avoid it anyway. There's no real reason why you wouldn't have wanted it to truncate 2.5 and do integer multiplication in your example. Forcing it to make a decision in a situation like that is bad style.
I wanted ml to regard 1 as a real. I wasn't forcing it to truncate the 2.5 for me. It's a pain in the arse anyway.
I wanted ml to regard 1 as a real. I wasn't forcing it to truncate the 2.5 for me. It's a pain in the arse anyway.
I know, but I'm saying there is no difference between converting 1 to real as converting 2.5 to int. It's pretty much arbitrary. It's just that your program is ambiguous if you do things like that, it should be avoided.