The Student Room Group

Cambridge Chat (previously New Cambridge Students Entry 2004)

at least one of us has got to be subscriber... Come on, tells us the post counts.
Oh Helen, how many people have you said should come on monday......i'm doing well so far, I've got 7 booked in (including myself)....and i'll definitely find you another one to make it up to a nice whole crews worth! Do you want to try and take it up to 10 though?

No, we've just got the 8 of us, so no need for you to go up to 10 :smile: Should be good though :smile: What's your wine limit (i.e. how much do we need to bring?)

What is with this damn weather? :mad:
That was the best Cells practical ever. 70 minutes, and on my own computer. :biggrin:
at least one of us has got to be subscriber... Come on, tells us the post counts.

17, 767. Way to go yet...
Reply 10884
ok well i've now got it up to 8 for we're all set to go!

Errrr the usual is bring a bottle for yourself and a bottle for us (per person). And obviously a promise that you invite us to clare next term or something!

Do you wanna like do anything before or after dinner? Bar perhaps? Emma's or elsewhere?

and my goodness just had a terrible outing...not only was i soaked to the bone and developed massive blisters, I really couldnt shake off being tense. I felt like I wasnt putting in the effort if i wasnt using my arms!
Reply 10885
just be thankful no ones tried to kill you with st johns wort or your blisters would be even wrose

just handed essay in. 2500 words plus diagrams. *sob*
Reply 10886
Errr Wtf It's Snowing!!???
SNOW!!! :biggrin:
College is so pretty this evening!
I said earlier they were snow clouds and everyone laughed at me! I'm ace! :tongue:

I have an essay to write, but I want to play! :frown:
Reply 10888
it's stopped's all melting :frown:
it's stopped's all melting :frown:

Nooooo, I have a free afternoon tomorrow, I could have made some excellent snow features with that amount of time!
They've kept my radiator on because of the snow!!
I can hear people playing outside and it's making essat writing even more miserable!
Reply 10890
i need to get working but i'm being distracted by the internet!
Reply 10892
ahhhhhh.....very pretty!
Immortal Wombat

When did you make that? Jin and I went around the college taking pictures... not many good (non-blurry) ones, digital camera requires long exposure time in the dark... :frown: half the picture are in ruins, including some really good ones... :frown:
When did you make that? Jin and I went around the college taking pictures... not many good (non-blurry) ones, digital camera requires long exposure time in the dark... :frown: half the picture are in ruins, including some really good ones... :frown:

IIRC you don't have a digi cam? I remember you getting annoyed at a few of us for having one:s
IIRC you don't have a digi cam? I remember you getting annoyed at a few of us for having one:s

I am equally annoyed that you non-compscis having a computer, especially the one with more than one.
I am equally annoyed that you non-compscis having a computer, especially the one with more than one.

well...I am sorry for annoying you. There's is nothing I can do for you I'm afraid...
just buy me a bloody computer!!
just buy me a bloody computer!!

How's this: I bring along my less-used, slightly ancient PC with me next year, and sell it to you for £15?

I thought you didn't like working in you room because of you-know-who?:wink:
Reply 10899
grrrr must start work soon...this is pathetic!