The Student Room Group

Cambridge Chat (previously New Cambridge Students Entry 2004)

You think crabs, splashjackets, bumps, acidoketosis, etc are vaguely English?:p:

However in other, only partially compsci related, news today I appear to have been offered a job at last! Woo!


Hehe, it's ketoacidosis for starters. :rolleyes: The other three are all words - crabs and bumps are even words outside of rowing!

A friend of mine came up with the perfect retort though - he had just come back from a RATS (Clare's Rockclimbing and Trekking Society) trip and was talking all sorts of technical stuff (bouldering, jambing, belays etc). A certain ex-UCS secretary, who is even more obsessed with rowing than me and Will put together, started to mock him for using all these funny terms. His reply was "Look, bumps, blades, feathering, f*** off!" Beautiful :wink:

Congrats on the job! What is it?

Hmm, time for me to go to town. I really should walk, but it's only just stopped an absolutely torrential downpour, which could well come back; I'm not quite sure whether I ought to take the car or not...
Wear a coat. :p:
Katie J
Wear a coat. :p:

I drove in the end, and it did rain again. I was right :p: And my waterproof coat is in Scotland with my sister :rolleyes:
Reply 14823
urgh, parents are having a huge argument at the moment...i hate it when they start shouting at each other. Doesn't help me face the fact that I have to cook dinner for my siblings for the next 4 days, including sunday roast....i have no idea how to cook a bloody sunday roast...HELP!
urgh, parents are having a huge argument at the moment...i hate it when they start shouting at each other. Doesn't help me face the fact that I have to cook dinner for my siblings for the next 4 days, including sunday roast....i have no idea how to cook a bloody sunday roast...HELP!

Delia will tell you the answer!

Bleh, I'm still at the lab, I want to go home but it's raining. Don't know if it's going to stop or get heavier, I got stuck in a torrent a couple of days ago :frown:.

Reply 14825
dont go's far too far. Stay at the lab. You know it makes sense!
dont go's far too far. Stay at the lab. You know it makes sense!

Man... my my, you are more of a compsci than I am...
Delia will tell you the answer!

Bleh, I'm still at the lab, I want to go home but it's raining. Don't know if it's going to stop or get heavier, I got stuck in a torrent a couple of days ago :frown:.


Good'le British weather... when I left it was sunny and warm...
I came home, it stopped raining for most of my walk :smile:

10.5 hours is enough in the lab I think for the day.

sounds like a're in there camfo! Way't'go

in your dreams...:p:

but wahey we have sucessfully resussitated the thread!
ooh, and i caught 3 fish today, near the weir by Midsummer Common!
Reply 14830
and what's we gonna have with our fisshies.....not precciouuuus, yuck puh yucky taters, no we like fishies all by themselves, preciouusss!
and we eats them raw... my preciousssss
Reply 14832
Sorry, I just had this incredibly random image of Amy being all....gollum like around the cam...catching fish etc!
*We only wish to catch a fisssh so juicy sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!*

Did anyone else see that "Life Before Birth" programme and think that the 26-week old fetus looked remarkably like Gollum?
scarlet ibis
and we eats them raw... my preciousssss

River fish have spiky pointy bits all over the place...
Sorry, I just had this incredibly random image of Amy being all....gollum like around the cam...catching fish etc!

lol thanks!:eek::rolleyes:

*goes back to chewing on raw fish-head*
River fish have spiky pointy bits all over the place...

actually no... it depends on the type. Pike are spiky but carp and bream are not.
scarlet ibis
actually no... it depends on the type. Pike are spiky but carp and bream are not.

I don't like fish unless they have no bones...
Why are you fissshing, precious?
I want a pretty yellow birdie by my username! i've applied to join the LibDems but no reply yet! how long did yours take Camfo?