The Student Room Group

Cambridge Chat (previously New Cambridge Students Entry 2004)

French Pikachu
life is taugh :rolleyes:

Airh, Taugh is it? Rah dahling, yeur going taw have taw speak a little less common. I cawn't understawnt yeur.
There is a really cocky Trinity medic about. Parkin and Dr. Hunt were talking about something quite unrelated to today's FAB procedure, and he kept trying to butt in saying "oh yes, I agree" or "yes, that is rather obvious, is it not?"


PM me who they are :biggrin:
It's similar in our Econs lectures - there;s this one guy...we don't know which college hes from, but he seems a bit of a rah...and has a question ready for the lecturer every time...last time it was about 'badly behaved partial derviatives' hehe, homoterror may jnow who I am talking basically this guy always sits up front and now the other lads (Trinners included) have devised a lil plan to deprieve this guy of his front row seat by arriving real early hehe :biggrin:
Tits people are weird.

I thought you wanted May Ball tickets? Watch yer mouth. :p:
French Pikachu
Well i had a fun night anyway :smile: ... and last week i went to a novice formal in Magdalene but half of the novices were grads so once again i was surrounded by grad students! tonight Peterhosue novice formal btu apparently since there are not enough novices to accomodate for all of us girls, we still get seniors.... oh well life is taugh :rolleyes:

Have you met Igor from Trinity? He does LE and is a right charmer :wink:

Have you met Igor from Trinity? He does LE and is a right charmer :wink:

yeps i have coz he is the only triniter doing LE... but not really properly, i mean i propably spoke to him for about 5mn
Seems like life is thrilling at the moment in Cambridge. Is anyone doing anything special for Friday evening? There's a mini ent at Girton "Northern Night" but i have football training 10-11 tonight.

I'm going to see Wallace and Gromit because cellars is having some Ent. How exciting.
I am going to try to read some books.
College bar crawl for me :smile:
French Pikachu
College bar crawl for me :smile:
Pol used to organise those :frown:...
last time it was about 'badly behaved partial derviatives'
Some people are like that. They either have to ask a pointless question infront of the year to somehow say "Look at me, aren't I clever" or they'll always go up to ask the lecturer something at the end of the lecture to seem keen. I thought one guy was really clever because he used to always ask a question after the end of the lecture, till I had supervisions with him in the second year. Turned out he hardly knew what was going on half the time.
i'm bored. whats happening in cambridge?
BA formal in Trinity for me. Free sherry before hand, then free wine during the meal, along with free baileys and port afterwards.

I'd get smashed if I wasn't not drinking.
Reply 19489
BA formal in Trinity for me. Free sherry before hand, then free wine during the meal, along with free baileys and port afterwards.

I'd get smashed if I wasn't not drinking.

I need to go to one of those again :frown:
I was meant to be going to formal but the girl didn't email me back about the tickets in time :frown: So now I'm nursing my ribs (****ing tourists) and may go to a party or two.

You still not gone to hospital?
I'm going to see Wallace and Gromit because cellars is having some Ent. How exciting.
I am going to see that later tonight too.
Just watched madgascar... it's boring.
I secretly wished for Sam Staton, and now I have him! :biggrin:

p.s. interpret it however you like, I am not bothered!
I'm going to see Wallace and Gromit because cellars is having some Ent. How exciting.

That's such a good film it defies belief. I really laughed very hard when i went to see Wallace and Gromit.

Reply 19495
I had some of my friends tell me today that I am the most stereotypical cambridge student they know. I don't know whether to be offended or pleased (apparently it's a combination of the excessive playing of sport, my obsession with rowing, and the way i ride/dismount my bike). I just need to say "rah" a bit more :p:
Reply 19496
I had some of my friends tell me today that I am the most stereotypical cambridge student they know. I don't know whether to be offended or pleased (apparently it's a combination of the excessive playing of sport, my obsession with rowing, and the way i ride/dismount my bike). I just need to say "rah" a bit more :p:

actually, that's the exact image i have of you :p:

yay for rah's!!! :biggrin:
Pollo Loco
That's such a good film it defies belief. I really laughed very hard when i went to see Wallace and Gromit.

It should not have had a U rating! SO much innuendo! :biggrin:
Reply 19498
i actually saw jacob tonight, stumbling out of robinson bar, cursing and swearing!
small world...
Reply 19499
I had a chat with Jacob in Robinson bar tonight, and Willa's formalling with us on Sunday. And (surprisingly enough) I saw Priya again tonight. Feel the TSR love...