The Student Room Group

exam miracles

threads for stories to show that people can still do it even with limited time. Just to put a bit of belief in really stressed people.
Also write tips and how you managed to get whatever grade you got.

Reply 1
I'd like to say that no-one should worry too much.
Whatever is done, is done and worrying about solutions and correct numbers and questions is really unnecessary. Just focus on your remaining subjects and try to avoid stressing too much.
Listening to relaxing music helps a lot, working out, and definitely taking breaks.

Oh and by the way, there's always curving with the marks.
If you lost a few marks, it probably won't even matter :wink:
Reply 2
Last year's AQA Psychology exams...

I'd more or less given up on getting a good grade in the subject and did 20 mins revision for each paper (PYA2 and PYA3) by briefly flicking through the textbooks I had and picking out a few bits and pieces that I thought might be useful.

Didn't feel particularly amazing after the exam, and had a nice surprise on results day...

PYA2: 97
PYA3: 100

197 marks that I probably didn't deserve, but I wasn't about to complain.

Sometimes at the very last minute things just click y'know?

At GCSE I got an A* in French and Geography and an A in German didn't do much revision and thought I'd just have to fAce the music and BS my way through but then night before the exam they just clicked.

Can't say that's happened at A level yet...
Reply 4
Well I can't really talk about A-Level because I've just been doing my first exams at this level. However I was so stressed about History and a night's revision got me through the exam pretty well!

GCSE Law was probably the most miraculous thing to date. I did it in Year 10 and was so scared to be sitting my first REAL exam paper before anyone else in my year (well except for the other people doing Law of course!). I felt like I'd done so badly... Felt like I'd babbled on for most of it, using the same case about 3 times for different situations, and AMAZINGLY I got an A*. And I'm not sure it was because the exam had been dumbed down, as nearly everyone else got a U xD I think there were 2 A*s, 1 B, 2 Cs, 3 Ds and the rest Us. I don't know... maybe I'm just a worrier as I feel I do badly after quite a lot of exams lol. I was so shocked nonetheless.
Reply 5
I revised the entire AS philosophy syllabus the day before in about eight hours and not only got an A, but also got 100% in one module. Also at GCSE I did *no* work for Welsh at all, no work throughout the year or revision, sat about 40 minutes of what I believe was an hour and a half exam (full course) and then left and still pulled off a C. :P
Reply 6
All I will say is that IT IS NEVER TOO LATE. Don't feel demotivated by your friends who started and finished their revision weeks ago; their productivity levels must be real low. Everything can be dished out and learnt within a short space of time; as long as you stay active and put in what you consider 'hard work' from now. All the best.

O and never give up!
miracles in exams so far-non
miracles in exams to come-need a couple to get an A in ict!!
Reply 8
My personal miracle is my English Language GCSE exam, both papers. Predicted a C, which I was not particularly impressed with, as I needed at least a B to do Medicine, which is what I wanted to do, and so I convinced him to put me in the higher tier. My coursework was allright, so I was quite sure of a B, even if I did mess up the paper. I thought that I'd done fantastically well in the mocks, but turns out that it was a foundation paper... Anyway, in the end, not only did I get an A*, but it was the highest A* they'd ever got, and I got 80/80 and 76/80 in the two papers. One-nil to me I believe!

This has nothing to do with revising however. They were just lucky papers - can't remember what paper 1 was, but paper 2 was writing a book review (I'd just finished a book the night before) and writing a letter to the council complaining about speeding (which I've already done in real life). So that's my personal exam miracle!
This was a re-sit in 1st year college so if I failed it I wouldn't have been able to go on to my second year. I showed up to my exam realising that I have been revising for the wrong exam. I sat in that exam feeling sick in my stomach knowing I didn't know enough to pass and left crying. Results day came and hallelujah, I would've believe it more if I just scraped the pass mark but it was a lot higher than I could've ever expected. It was an literal miracle. By the way I missed about 80% of my classes for this subject because it was a depressing time in my life. Hope that gave some of ya'll out there a bit of hope. Just believe.

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