The Student Room Group

failing a module

in your first year what happens if you fail a module. i have failed a module (got less than 30%) - does this mean i will have to repeat the year??
i am expecting to get over 40% in every other module - so should get 110 credits. iknow we only need 100 credits but someone has said if you fail with less than 30% you cant go on to your second year - is this true?

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Reply 1
- also is it true that you can only resit a module if you get over 30%?
Reply 2
It depends upon your department. You must get above Minimum Performance in order to pass the year.
So, if in CompSci we were to get less than 20% (our MP), we HAVE to resit and get over 20% in order to pass the year.
Reply 3
if you have below 30% on a module you will resit it in september, if you fail the resit you wont be allowed into your second year. i dont know about your course, but for mine im allowed 20 credits between 30% and 40%, and the rest have to be over 40%. so if i get 3 between 30 and 40 ill have to resit, or any below 30. you can only resit a module if you fail it though - you cant resit it just to get a better mark.
Reply 4
oh this has made me a lot happier - so it looks as though ill jus have to resit this module in september and as long as i get over 30% (provided not more than one other is between 30 and 40) then ill be allowed to do my second year?
Reply 5
If you get 30<%<40, it's what's known as a soft fail, where you've failed to meet the required mark to get the credits for that module. and you're allowed 2 modules i.e. 20 credits i.e. 2 soft fails, per year. Thats what it is for our year, and i'm pretty sure it's a standard across the uni. For any that you do require a resit (i.e. less than 30%), your marks are "capped" at the pass mark for your course which is usually 40%, in my case it's 55% because i'm on an undergrad masters. So even if you get 100% on your resit, you'll only be scored at 40%.

Comprende!? :biggrin:
Reply 6
Hmm maybe I should've pulled my weight a little bit earlier, what with a resit and another 30-40 already :p:
Reply 7
oh this has made me a lot happier - so it looks as though ill jus have to resit this module in september and as long as i get over 30% (provided not more than one other is between 30 and 40) then ill be allowed to do my second year?

Yeah, you can also repeat the year, but for one module, it's not worth it!

On the topic of resits and what not, i've already got one (got 20 something) and i've got a 30 something in another module - which atm is no problem. Buuut if i fail another two modules with 30 something, will i be able to resit one of those?

Just wondering as i know you can't resit to get a higher mark, but in that case i would fail the year unless i can resit one of the 30 modules. If that makes any sense?!

hi, just wondering what will hapeen about my resits.

last semseter i got 29% and 37% in 2 15-credit modules, im pretty sure i've passed/will pass all my modules this semester, the ones that i needed to get onto my course next year anyway. Im not sure what will hapen becuase they're 15 credit modules???

im doing the engingeering and science foundation year, and going onto physics next year, hopefully!

Reply 9
libby knows allllllllll about your course, so im sure she will know!
hi, just wondering what will hapeen about my resits.

last semseter i got 29% and 37% in 2 15-credit modules, im pretty sure i've passed/will pass all my modules this semester, the ones that i needed to get onto my course next year anyway. Im not sure what will hapen becuase they're 15 credit modules???

im doing the engingeering and science foundation year, and going onto physics next year, hopefully!


If it was my course. Which it definitely isnt, but mine seems fairly general.

You can soft fail 20 credits. You have soft failed 15 and hard failed 1.

So you would need to retake the 29% result and get it above 40% and if you wanted insurance on that, retake the 37% to try and get that above 40%.

Therefore you would end up with probably one soft fail at worst. 15 credits. Meaning you pass the year. But thats after retakes.
^It's different for foundation!

libby knows allllllllll about your course, so im sure she will know!


hi, just wondering what will hapeen about my resits.

last semseter i got 29% and 37% in 2 15-credit modules, im pretty sure i've passed/will pass all my modules this semester, the ones that i needed to get onto my course next year anyway. Im not sure what will hapen becuase they're 15 credit modules???

im doing the engingeering and science foundation year, and going onto physics next year, hopefully!


If you've passed the required ones for your intended course and have the right average then it shouldn't be a problem (look in the big book thing Mustoe gave to you at the start of the year (if you still have it!))

For example, my friend (who is now doing Chemistry), had to get 55% in each module he needed for his course (which i believe totalled 90 credits) then a 55% average... something like that! If you are unsure/lost the book, email your personal tutor asap as they should have discussed with you at one point what you needed to get! (Last year we had to fill in a form with what we needed to get and hand in into Les... have you done that?)

By the way you are wording it, it sounds like you'll have enough modules/credits for your course - so main worry is the average, obviously you can't do that till results so sit tight for now!

You'll be emailed by SEFS when results come out telling you if you have got enough for your course and they'll advise you with resits... (i got an email (after resits mind you) telling me i failed the course but i had passed with enough to get onto my course, so does vary!)

Hope that has been some sort of help!

Libby is such a hero :blushing:
Can you resit a module to get a better mark, even if you don't fail, or get above minimum performance?
Nope, resits are only for if you fail!

^It's different for foundation!


If you've passed the required ones for your intended course and have the right average then it shouldn't be a problem (look in the big book thing Mustoe gave to you at the start of the year (if you still have it!))

For example, my friend (who is now doing Chemistry), had to get 55% in each module he needed for his course (which i believe totalled 90 credits) then a 55% average... something like that! If you are unsure/lost the book, email your personal tutor asap as they should have discussed with you at one point what you needed to get! (Last year we had to fill in a form with what we needed to get and hand in into Les... have you done that?)

By the way you are wording it, it sounds like you'll have enough modules/credits for your course - so main worry is the average, obviously you can't do that till results so sit tight for now!

You'll be emailed by SEFS when results come out telling you if you have got enough for your course and they'll advise you with resits... (i got an email (after resits mind you) telling me i failed the course but i had passed with enough to get onto my course, so does vary!)

Hope that has been some sort of help!


Well i failed:

Maths: 29%
Physics: 37%

i needed to pass those two for entry onto the Physics degree next year, but i am confident i passed all the modules i needed to this semester. And there is nor average mark i need to get. So what does it mean beacuse i failed 2 that i needed to pass.


thanks for your help.
Did better than me in maths!!

WELL, good news, maths paper is exactly the same as the one you originally failed - so if you can remember what you did, be a lot easier!! Have you looked at last years paper? Les used to keep the same question but change the numbers (but changed the topics for our year!!!!), so if it's similar to what you did be another great help!

Bad news, well you'll have to resit the exams i'm afraid! But you only will need 40%... So won't have to work *as* hard, but still!

If you can talk to Les, he is actually a great help (he scared me so never spoke to him!), either before you go home or email him soon. He should be able to give you some pointers (in-between calling you scum :wink:) and probably hint if he is going to use a different paper! Last year they did some Physics 'help sessions' during the summer which i went to, was just a Post Grad but he did help a little (bless him, he blatantly didn't want to be there!)

I recommend a tutor, i got one for physics and he was awesome! Look for an A Level one at least, really does help! I asked him to just teach me enough to pass and i got nearly 60% in the resit (from like 19% originally, lol!)

Reply 17

i am so nervous.... ok im am a first year here at loughborough and i know i have at least 3 modules below 20% and just some scraping 40% and the rest between the two would i beable to resit all of the module i have failed?

if i am able to resit, when would the the dates of resit be... broadly speaking... during september or in the middle of the summer holidays?

any feedback would of of great help :confused: :s-smilie:
Reply 18
If you fail you will be evicted from the Big Brother house.
babel - i've replied to you in your other thread!
