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French Grades and converting them to the IB scale

I was just wondering if anyone knew how to convert the french "20" system to the IB "7"... just to have an idea on my 1st year grades
because in math forexample i got 15.5 over 20 and the teacher wrote ib mark:7/7 , but when i got 15 in history for example it was noted as if it was an equivelent for 6...
how can i convert them? do they differ from one subject to an other?
Reply 1
oh im actually doing presque la meme chose..
i have my IB results and im converting them to the French is system which is a lot easier..
like for the bac blanc that i just had..
i got
4+6+6+6+7+7 = 36 on 42

which is 85.7% which is 86%

so 86% of 20 is 17.14

so according to the french system i get 17.14??

Please correct me if im wrong...
Reply 2
If you just blindly calculate percentages like that, then yes, you got 17.14 / 20.

However, 17.14 is an extremely high grade in the French system (10 is passing and 16 is excellent; 20 is almost never given) and I highly doubt that the work you did would have been given a grade of 17.14 by a French examiner. It'd thus be highly dishonest to say you got the equivalent of 17.14 in the French system. Notes are very subjective and it's impossible to accurately convert between them without being an expert in education, but as a rough guess I'd say you're at the level of a student getting about 14. Please don't use this information for anything important as I didn't use any reliable method to come up with it!

Irem: On ne peut pas donner avec certitude l'équivalent dans le système du BI d'une note française, puisque les notes ont toujours une certaine mesure de subjectivité. Je te conseille de te renseigner auprès de tes professeurs.
Reply 3
comment faire alors??? :frown:
Reply 4
Je ne sais pas. Pourquoi as-tu besoin de trouver l'équivalent français de tes notes au bac international

Note: Si je ne me trompe, moins d'une dizaine de candidats ont obtenu 20 / 20 au baccalauréat (français) dans toute l'histoire de cet examen.
Reply 5
However, 17.14 is an extremely high grade in the French system (10 is passing and 16 is excellent; 20 is almost never given)

Sounds like the IB system :dontknow:

40/45 is an extremely good grade. 24/45 is passing and 38 is excellent. 45 is almost never given.
Reply 6
I could be wrong.

But I'm sure that 20 / 20 in France is obtained far less often than 7 / 7 (in a given subject) or 45 / 45 (overall).
Reply 7
And my point is that 36 in IB is definitely not equivalent to 17.14.
Reply 8
mais en fait je vais m'inscrire à une fac de médecine française et je voulais savoir l'équivalent français...

mais tant pis... Presque toutes les universités française acceptent le BI et ils le trouvent équivalent à le bac Français...

enfait le BI a l'air bcp mieux parce que c'est international ^^

Reply 9
Quand tu vas t'inscrire, met tes notes du BI... ils vont comprendre.

A priori, les fac françaises ne font pas de selection. Dès que l'on a le baccalauréat ou un équivalent reconnu, on est pris.

Mais attention: la première année de médecine en France est extrèmement difficile: la plupart des gens ne réusissent pas à passer en deuxième année. Donc en vérité la selection est faite non sur les notes du bac mais à la fin de la première année!
Reply 10
oui je sais...
:s c'est pour ça que j'ai dès fois peur...
je connais 2 mecs en PCEM1 et ils ont ratté...
Reply 11
Si tu ne réussi pas à passer en PCEM2 tu peux toujour te réorienter après ton année de PCEM1. Ou est-ce que tu veux à tout prix être medecin?
Reply 12
enfin je vais pas faire médecine moi...
je vais faire odontologie...
c'est plus facile quoi..
mais la 1ère année c'est pareil :s-smilie:
mais je crois qu'il y a des regles differents pour les étudiants étrangers...

qu'est-ce que t'en pense??
Reply 13

17.14 is an extremely high grade in the French system (10 is passing and 16 is excellent; 20 is almost never given) and I highly doubt that the work you did would have been given a grade of 17.14 by a French examiner.

that's exactly what i was thinking.. for example in a math exam if you do a tiny little mistake you automaticly get 19/20 which is the equavelent of 95%...
getting a 16 is great according to the french system but 70% is considered to be moyen, at least for me..
so i was just wondering if it was possible to calculate an average IB moyen to see where I am..

Irem: On ne peut pas donner avec certitude l'équivalent dans le système du BI d'une note française, puisque les notes ont toujours une certaine mesure de subjectivité. Je te conseille de te renseigner auprès de tes professeurs

tu as raison a dire que les notes ont toujours certains mesures du subjectivité..
je vais parler a mes profs.
merci bcp!:smile:
J'ai eu 20/20 en Physique-Chimie, SVT et LV1. C'est possible d'avoir des 20 en plusieurs matières, mais un 20 au bac est assez difficile sans l'aide d'options (qui sont des point gratuits, je crois que l'année de mon bac une fille a eu plus de 20/20), parce que les matières moins scientifique (philo, français, hist-géo) sont beaucoup plus subjectives. Pardonnez mon français, ça fait des années que je ne l'utilise plus.
Reply 15
that's the dumbest ****, I've read in a while. The student obviously got good results and by interpreting it. The result could've clearly been a 17/20 in the french bac. Lets not forget that it is way easier to get a good grade in a french bac than IB. And that in is recognise worldly whereas french bac there's a lot of things that you have to do. Don't hate on me. J'ai fait un bac Francais (filliere scientifique) et ca prepare pas du tout a luniversite, surtout les matieres Scientifique. the fact that 20 is nearly never given is also bull****. I know at least 5 people who got 20 in different subjects. I got 20 in English, only because the English level is a joke.
I COMPLETELY AGREE. I am French but I live in Spain and do the IB, my conversion is equal to a 14/20 (IB31). My friends and I have compared many times the quantities and the complexity of our subjects and they have nothing in common. I wouldn’t say that the French system is easier, but it looks like it is. Don’t hate pls. Also, the IB is known to be equivalent to the first year in US universities. One of my friends did biochemistry in NY and they made him skip the first year of math and the first semester of biology…