The Student Room Group

Integration of (1/kx)

If you want to do this:
1kx\int{\frac{1}{kx}} where k is a constant, you can either take that as: 1k1x\int{\frac{1}{k}*\frac{1}{x}} or 1kx\int{\frac{1}{kx}}, which respectively integrate to 1klnx\frac{1}{k}lnx and 1klnkx\frac{1}{k}lnkx. But obviously they're different so what is the explanation???????
Reply 1
You are forgetting the constant that comes out as well (the + C) which can combine with whatever is inside the ln
Reply 2
If you want to do this:
1kx\int{\frac{1}{kx}} where k is a constant, you can either take that as: 1k1x\int{\frac{1}{k}*\frac{1}{x}} or 1kx\int{\frac{1}{kx}}, which respectively integrate to 1klnx\frac{1}{k}lnx and 1klnkx\frac{1}{k}lnkx. But obviously they're different so what is the explanation???????

Reply 3
Ok thanks for the replies.

+c sucks
Ok thanks for the replies.

+c sucks

+c > you.
Reply 5
mrsmann > +c > me.


Ah yes. I forgot to carry the 1.
Reply 7
I don't get it :frown:
Reply 8
1/k lnk is just a constant....
Original post by Sudarshan stud
U can also do like this right take (kx) to numerator it will become (kx)pow -1, then integrate, it becomes k×((x)pow-2/-2)..... Then which is right.........????????

This thread is 12 years old. When you integrate you add 1 to the power. You have subtracted 1, but it doesn't work when the power is - 1. I suggest you make a new thread instead.