The Student Room Group

What do you wear on work experience?

When you visit vet surgeries, what do you have to wear? Do you have to wear a white lab coat or surgical scrubs? Im curious to know because I just wear my usual casual clothes like jeans and t-shirt, even in the operating room. I feel I should be wearing proper protective clothing, even though the vets don't. I'm going to be visiting a PDSA surgery next week and I'll be taking a lab coat.

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Reply 1
I just wear my normal casual clothes too. When I first went there they were like put a plastic apron on when your cleaning kennels etc to protect your clothes, but after like a few months i just kinda neglected to do that because I wasn't about t shirts n jeans gettin a bit dirty. I'd feel weird wearing a lab coat i think. Can't wait to get to vet school (fingers crossed) n get to wear proper scrubs :biggrin:
Reply 2
white laboratory coat or veterinary green coat for operations
i just wear casual jeans, t shirts / jumper. It's what the vets wear - never actually seen a vet in a lab coat ...
Reply 4
I just wear, jeans and t-shirt and comfortable shoes, cos your on your feet a lot!
In consultations at one practice they gave me a white lab coat to wear, which had ridiculously long sleeves so I had to roll them up, I looked very silly :biggrin:
In surgery at one place I just wore my normal clothes but had to wear a facemask. In the other I wore a full set of scrubs! Just depends and if they want you to wear or bring anything extra they'll provide it or they'll tell you!
At one clinic I had to wear the mask and hat but where I go now it's just normal clothes (in the consult room, theatre and for cleaning out the kennels). The vet's don't even bother with aprons or overalls!
It all depends on what you're doing. When i was simply an observer i had to wear smart casual(smart shirt, shoes and a pair of dockers).

Just ask your work experience co-coordinator/boss before you go and then you're not likely to be under dressed or piss anyone off.
i wore smart casual- black trousers, top, black shoes. but make sure its comfy. in one practice i wore the same clothes to watch ops ( the vets also did... one vet did a cat spay wearing a fleece covered in horsehair!) but at another practice i had to wear gown, mask, shoes and hat to go in the sterile theatre. it really depends what the vets say but i would say go in normal clothes and only put on extra stuff if they ask you. a word of warning- NEVER go into a sterile operating theatre with your shoes on! i got shouted at for doing that!
Reply 8
I'm just surprised that some surgeries have sterile operating theatres and others don't!
At the PDSA I go to they have a special red coat for work exp people and blue tabards for volunteers. You have to put on a gown in theatre. Never enter wearing shoes? Woah I didn't realise theatres were THAT sterile! Is that a common thing?
At the vets that i work at i wear a uniform, so do the nurses and the receptionists but the vets just wear smart/casual clothses - black trousers, shoes, shirt tie etc and the work experience student are expected to wear the same as vets but are suplied with a lab coat or scrub top! the vets wear a consulting top. But in theatre the vets wear full scrubs with mask and shoe covers and hats, the nurses just wear uniform with hat, shoe cover and mask so do the work experience students. it has changed so much to when i first started when nurses would drink tea in theatre! another branch of our practice have to wear full scrubs by everyone in theatre! the shoe covers are so annoying when you forget to take something into theatre!x
Haha one of the places I go cups of tea and biscuits are allowed in theatre. The vets don't wear gowns, hats or anything - only gloves!
Haha one of the places I go cups of tea and biscuits are allowed in theatre. The vets don't wear gowns, hats or anything - only gloves!
oops don't know why that posted twice!
At the PDSA I go to they have a special red coat for work exp people and blue tabards for volunteers. You have to put on a gown in theatre. Never enter wearing shoes? Woah I didn't realise theatres were THAT sterile! Is that a common thing?

the sterile theatre was at a vet hospital i think the more 'advanced' practices have them it just depends where you go. but the other 2 practices i did exp in didn't really have theatres at all... just a room. nurses didn't drink tea in them but people did wander in and out to get medicines and to take cacasses out to the freezer!
Reply 15
At the PDSA I go to they have a special red coat for work exp people and blue tabards for volunteers. You have to put on a gown in theatre. Never enter wearing shoes? Woah I didn't realise theatres were THAT sterile! Is that a common thing?

I'll probably wearing a blue tabard then! I have to be a volunteer instead of a work experience student for insurance reasons :confused:
depends on work experience- e.g. for farm i wore old clothes and wellies/overalls, zoo- sturdy trainers and casual trousers, vet practice smart-casual- brown/black comfy shoes, smart-casual tousers and top. now i get paid a the vets and have a full-time position there over the summer so i have a student nurse's uniform, tee-hee! i look very funny! (it's worth it though from the amount of muck i've got down it- better than getting it on my clothes).
Reply 17
On the dairy farm at home I get given waterproof trousers and a short sleeved waterproof top. I don't know what the top's called, anyone help since Im trying to search for one in a smaller size?
On the dairy farm at home I get given waterproof trousers and a short sleeved waterproof top. I don't know what the top's called, anyone help since Im trying to search for one in a smaller size?

It is called a parlour top, i am assuming you mean something similar to the one below. You can get them from universoty or buy them online (which tends to be cheaper)
Reply 19
It is called a parlour top, i am assuming you mean something similar to the one below. You can get them from universoty or buy them online (which tends to be cheaper)

Yes, thats the one. Thankyou so much! :biggrin: