The Student Room Group
Reply 1
It's alright. My mate was there last year. I'm at the plaza, which is another unite accommodation, the rooms are nice enough, but unite like to rip you off at every opportunity, for example the internet is extremely expensive!
Reply 2
yeh i wanted to go to the plaza it looks way better...i think the internet is free at the tannery...does the plaza hav a gym?
Reply 3
yeh i wanted to go to the plaza it looks way better...i think the internet is free at the tannery...does the plaza hav a gym?

Oooh if the internets free thats good! Yeah it's got a gym, its not a particularily good gym, but its ok. I quite like the Plaza, i've bad mouthed it before, but at the end of the day its a good location right near the uni and the city centre, and the rooms are a good size, we've got double beds and i like my flat mates, so we're staying there again this year.
Reply 4
Oh rite kool stuff...jus wanted to knw are leeds uni lenient on the grades required to get in on results cz i got a feeling im not exactly gonna get the grades i need
Reply 5
Oh rite kool stuff...jus wanted to knw are leeds uni lenient on the grades required to get in on results cz i got a feeling im not exactly gonna get the grades i need

It really depends what course you're doing. For mine, Cognitive Science, they asked for ABB, I got ABC and they still let me do it, but theres a lad on my course who had something like BDD, but that course was a load of crap anyway and I've changed to product design. Anyway, back to my point, whether they let you in or not depends on how popular the course is i think, cos for example, if you wanna do a popular course like psychology i'm pretty certain you actually need the ABB they ask for.
Reply 6
theres anotha issue with unite i jus found out abowt...that lets jus say uv dun all the paper work and you got a place but u end up gettin rejected from leeds so u dont wnt to live at it tru that you still hav to pay all the money unless u o they find a replacement?
Reply 7
theres anotha issue with unite i jus found out abowt...that lets jus say uv dun all the paper work and you got a place but u end up gettin rejected from leeds so u dont wnt to live at it tru that you still hav to pay all the money unless u o they find a replacement?

Well if you don't ever move in or move out before the contract ends, they say you have to pay unless you can find a replacement, and they'll only find a replacement once all the other rooms are full. I honestly don't know if they'd actually do that as i don't know anyone that either didnt move in, or moved out. Sorry
Reply 8
Hi guys,
I stayed in the tannery this year, mooved out about 2 weeks ago! Ive had the best year of my life here, but by far thats down to the people you meet and not the accomodation!
Yes the tannery(unite) rip you off at every opportunity, ie £300 internet for the year! but the rest is to be expected really. umm we did kind of feel a little bit like we weren't actual leeds students out of campus though, because the places like bod, dev, oxley etc all had "official" uni of leeds events and hoodies and stuff, but not us!
oh yeah and if your at the uni of leeds then if u decide to moove out of the tannery to another halls you dont have to find someone to fill your room! thats only for leeds met students. as our accomodation is thru leeds uni, not unite! so no need to worry about it! Also last year, there were still alot of spare rooms in places like dev and bod when u get to uni, so alot of moving around happens early on!
There is quite a bit of uni of leeds/ leeds met banter though, especially at the quiz! leeds uni obviously always won! hehe!
but yeah on the whole the tannery was wicked!
Reply 9
thnx emily for ur comments...wot u doin emily at uni? and are u stayin at tannery next year o u movin out?
Reply 10
Heyy, no problem! if u have an other questions just ask! I'm doing philosophy and politics... and nah definately moved out into a house! halls is amazing and i mean it, but after a year ur ready to move on! oh yeah and dont put bluetack on the walls, thats the only way i know of people not getting any deposit back! but 98% of us got like 90% of our deposits back and our rooms werent even that clean!
Reply 11
thnx for the assistance...NO BLUETACK! lol.where abouts u movin to now?
Reply 12
hehe yeah skip the bluetack! im moving to meanwood, which is next to hydepark pretty much! guna miss the good old tannery and the drunkern common room antics at 4 in the morning! oh yeah there is a gym at opal you can join for cheaper than usual! its pretty sweet!
Reply 13
is that the gym down the steet from tannery? and u movin near hyde park thats not too far...i went down to the tannery and that richard dude mentioned sum nights in the common room...wot they like?

One more thing thats p****** me off is that are they strict about gettin there installments because they wnt their first paymeny on the day i get ma results (D-Day)
Reply 14
Yeah Opal 1 next to the tannery has their own gym, so we all went there! saved trecking back up to uni!

thats really wierd about them wanting an installment so soon, are you a leeds met student? i know it sounds unfair but leeds people only had a 42 week contract where as leeds met had to pay 52 weeks, so i never had to start paying until october! surely thats a big wrong for them to ask for it before you even get ur loan through? that being said unite are a total rip off and i think the tannery is one of the most expensive halls! oh yeah and keep aside like £200 for internet, they make it sound like u can pay it week by week but u cant, have to pay it in one lump sum which sucks!!

as for the "events" in the common room, they are ****e and like no1 really goes to them after about the second one! but the quiz was always really good fun! the common room antics i was on about was when everyone gets back from their nights out at like 2am onwards. soooo much fun was had in there!

oh yeah and when u move in, they should give u an inventory to fill out about what ur room and flat are like. seriously do remember to fill it in!!! as loads of people couldnt be arsed/ unite conveniently forgot to give them to people.... if u dont you will get charged for any damage already in the rooms! so write down everything!

anyway! seriously the tannery is wicked! you will love it! good luck on the course!