Because when I was 11 I broke my jaw I also broke/shattered some of my back teeth as they clenched to take the impact as I hit the ground, I've got a porcelain (sp) crown on one of my teeth which I had done at the Royal London. Because I've had quite a bit done to my teeth I can't really remember that much. Originally after the accident the tooth was split completely vertically in half, and I was in excrutiating (sp) pain for days because tooth was killing me but the dentist/doctor man insisted on putting a bracket on that tooth (that was horrible seen as the tooth was split right into the nerve bit arg! but he wouldn't listen to me) so that my jaw could be given time to heal so that I wouldn't have to have an op or a metal plate and wires! The front half of the tooth then came out later that day and then i had a coating put on it to protect it. Then months/years later the Royal London put a silver crown on it - which came out so then I had my porcilain crown. This was bloody painful and I also had to have a stitch - in my mouth!
If I were you I'd go and see my dentist