It's a tough one..and depends a bit. I mean, what do you think about sex, is it something that should be done with two people who love each other, is it something that adds spark to a relationship, or something you dont mind doing, you're single and having fun. (at uni the latter applies to)
Don't do it if you're going to regret it.
I dont think it'd be wise to get a boyfriend before uni and sleep with each might get really attached and then what you gonna do when you go away? you know.. this summer you should maybe stick with being single..
Also, are you sure you're ready to have sex, or do you just not want to go to uni a virgin?
I think it's lovely how your guy friend offered, i had a guy friend offer too..when i was a virgin but i declined lol. That's a whole other story. But, you sure your guy friend doesn't like you in that way?
If losing your virginity is something you just want to get out the way, then i'd say go for it.. forget about what your friends think, they don't have to know?