The Student Room Group
Original post by Ellajo97
Does anyone know when accommodation offers for university of manchester are made? Also is it done by a first come first severed basis?


Accommodation offers are made once you've got your results and your attendance at Manchester has been confirmed.

Various factors are taken in to consideration when allocating rooms, but it's definitely more likely you'll get what you want if you get your application in early.

Good luck and hope to see you soon!

Original post by University Of Manchester

Accommodation offers are made once you've got your results and your attendance at Manchester has been confirmed.

Various factors are taken in to consideration when allocating rooms, but it's definitely more likely you'll get what you want if you get your application in early.

Good luck and hope to see you soon!


What if offers were unconditional and already firmed? I heard accommodation offers made in June in those circumstances but heard nothing as of yet..

Original post by jamieinnes
What if offers were unconditional and already firmed? I heard accommodation offers made in June in those circumstances but heard nothing as of yet..



If you have an unconditional place at Manchester, accommodation offers are issued from June onwards.

It's not unusual to have not heard by now, but if you'd like an update on your application, I'd contact the accommodation office directly: [email protected] or call 0161 275 2888.

I also have an unconditional offer from Manchester but they still haven'tgiven me an offer for the accommodation yet. I emailed the students office but they said to keep waiting.
Reply 5
Original post by Ellajo97
Does anyone know when accommodation offers for university of manchester are made? Also is it done by a first come first severed basis?

They're made after results day- it is down on a first served basis cause I applied back in December of last year but Manchester has tonnes of rooms and so everyone's gonna get a place ... I wouldn't worry too much
Hi I am a student from UoM. I have an en suite room in Weston Hall. I am looking to swap with any other en suite room in Denmark Road. Any one who for Denmark Road is intrested in swapping please inbox me.Thanks