The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Ich würde Die Welt empfehlen :smile:
Reply 2
Ich würde Die Welt empfehlen :smile:

That one's hardly left-wing, though... I'd suggest Frankfurter Rundschau or Die Zeit.
die Welt, die Zeit, die Süddeutsche Zeitung
die Welt, die Zeit, die Süddeutsche Zeitung

I don't know if these are left-wing are what - but they're sort of well respected papers
Reply 5
That one's hardly left-wing, though... I'd suggest Frankfurter Rundschau or Die Zeit.

Meh, didn't really have a clue as to how you'd class it but I find it a good one to read from time to time.
Reply 6
Thanks very much everyone :smile:
Reply 7
Meh, didn't really have a clue as to how you'd class it but I find it a good one to read from time to time.

Sorry, I didn't mean to imply it wasn't worth reading. All papers mentioned so far are well-respected, actually - it's just that Die Welt in particular has a bit of a reputation for being conservative to right-wing. Süddeutsche isn't exactly left-wing, but I'd say it's still less conservative than Die Welt. The closest equivalent to the Guardian would probably be Die Zeit, though (although it isn't a daily newspaper).
Reply 8
I'd say try to read "Spiegel", "Zeit" and "TAZ" (Tageszeitung.)
Reply 9
I recommend tageschau ( - it's not a newspaper but they have excellent video news on their website, including daily podcasts you can download.