The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Most supermarkets are the same, they want you to be customer and team focused, a hard worker who can pick up skills easily.
They'll probably ask you some basic questions like

Why do you want to work for us?

what can you bring to the team?

Tell us of a time you had to work as part of a team

Tell us of a time you had a task to do in difficult circumstances

What are your hobbies and interests?

Can you participate in heavy lifting / handling of stock?

Good luck!
When I had my Morrisons interview, they didnt ask me any crap like that - we just talked about a few things on my application form - interests, past jobs etc. But each store is different, so expect to be asked what the poster above said.
Reply 3
Most supermarkets are the same, they want you to be customer and team focused, a hard worker who can pick up skills easily.
They'll probably ask you some basic questions like

Why do you want to work for us?

what can you bring to the team?

Tell us of a time you had to work as part of a team

Tell us of a time you had a task to do in difficult circumstances

What are your hobbies and interests?

Can you participate in heavy lifting / handling of stock?

Good luck!

Thanks for all the useful questions!!, had all my answers well prepared on a sheet of paper I kept reading this morning - got to the interview and it was exactly how 1hundredreasons just said! They didn't ask any in-depth questions at all, just went through the form, was mostly her talking about the company.. just got to wait and see what happens now- this is probably one of the two chances I have of geting a job all summer!
Cool. I'm sure you'll get the job. Which department was it for? Or did they have a range of vacancies...?
hey i dont mean to hijack this thread but i need some help.

i have an interview at morrisons soon, however i forgot to disclose that i was a first year student at university, all i put was places i worked, gcse, a-levels, etc. not that it matters as its weekend work position so i will be able to come back every week.

do you think they will ask about education at the interview? and if i just say i didnt put that i was at uni on application form was because i was first year and yet to get marks, etc. or do you think i will be harshly dealt with? or what other things could i say or does it matter?? am i stressing for no reason?

plz help!!!
Reply 6
I'd just say (if asked) you may be going to university in september dependent on grades but you wish to transfer your job to a store near uni and come back and work holidays.

If you dont get asked wait untill just after results day and say you've decied to go to uni.
thanks, but the problem is i am a first year student going into my second year at uni! however i didnt put this on the application. Also i come home weekends because uni is very close anyway so there are no problems with getting to work, etc.

so only thing is i didnt mention it in application that i attend university, i suppose its not a big deal, im jus going to say i never mentioned it because i just put down my qualifications and say that at the time of applying i had no grades, marks for first year, etc so didnt write anything on application

that sound ok?
They wont care about your grades. Did you put on the form that you only wanted weekend work? They'll probably want you to do weekends (one or two days) plus one or two late nights in the week, ie 4/5/6 - an hour after closing time.

You should really have put your current education on the form, otherwise how have you accounted for the last year, were you working? They'll probably question it anyway.

Just tell them that you will be starting at uni for 2nd year in September. Are you planning on staying on in this job or just working for summer? Will you just be working in the one store while living at home and at uni?
hey 1hundredreasons thanks for replying. basically what happened was i went in for vacancies and they told me there is a vacancy for one day a week! between set hours, they gave me the form with the position im applying for if you know what i mean. i filled it in and got an interview soon.

no i was just at uni studying lol no work, i know i really should of put that in but i filled in the form very quickly and like an idiot just put in a-levels, gcse, etc. i think i will have to explain the situation and hope for the best!

yeah i plan to stay on if possible in the same store, my uni is 20 mins by train from my home and last year i went back over the weekend most of the time. so no problems there.

Im just worried that they may go all ballistic or something and deny me a job for not putting that i go to uni! :frown:
btw, to those who been to morrisons interview is it the usual type where you need to be smartly dressed and the taking ov all your certificates? or is it more of a quick chat? i didnt really get an impression of what it would be like from the person over the phone
I see. Well they arent going to 'go ballistic' lol. Even if they decide its not acceptable they wont let you know in the interview. If you tell them that you go to uni and are looking for part time work (as stated on the form) but you are also able to be flexible (if you are), you should be OK.

It's unusual that they would tell you in store of a specific vacancy. What was it for?

You dont need to take any certificates or anything at all really. Might be an idea to have your national insurance card with you, cos sometimes they like to take a photocopy of it (in our store we dont even have a photocopier and we had to do it ourselves, pretty typical of morrisons lol). Just go reasonably smart - I'd go for trousers, shoes and a shirt. No real need to go out of your way to find a tie.
Reply 12
For my interview I was only asked for a passport.... they won't be bothered about anything missing from your application, they spent most of my interview checking through the form rather than asking the usual questions you expect.... The questions she did ask were nothing that couldn't be answered on the spot, just about my education, last job, flexibility and distance I was travelling.... Then at the end she just asked if I would be interested in the job, waiting to hear now! And I just wore trousers + shirt :smile:
Gosh my interview seems so long ago now. Its bad when your supervisors have been working at Morrisons for less time than you have.

Your first day will involve watching several videos and a few easy tests. Just work hard and you will easilly make it past your probationary period
Reply 14
hi i have got a morrisons interview 2morrow and would like to no what to expect and what questions ill get etc.

thanks mark