The Student Room Group

Would hearing aids put a boy off?

I wear hearing aids in both ears and I was just wondering whether this would put boys off? I have had a few liasons with boys before but never a long term relationship and I ALWAYS wear my hair down so I don't think they knew about the hearing aids. I'm 19 now and when I start university next year I'm looking for a long-term relationship, of course if it's long-term the boy will find out about the hearing aids eventually. Maybe this thread sounds silly but some people have called me things like ******* and ****** and stuff because of the hearing aids :frown: It's made me kind of low in confidence about the whole thing. I always wear my hair down so most people apart from my good friends don't even know I wear them (it's only a mild loss and I have perfect speech so unless you can see the hearing aids then you wouldn't know I had a hearing loss)

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Reply 1
Oh, I didn't realise that those two words would get starred out...but anyway, I've been called things relating to mental disabilities, you can probably guess what...
Nah it wouldnt bother me at all. The people who've been insulting you are just pricks. Ignore them. At Uni people tend to have grown up & be more open-minded so you shouldnt have problems there. :smile:
Reply 3
Wouldn't put me off. It's like scars and stuff - I find them quite endearing actually!
Reply 4
I would prefere a girl who didn't have them obviously but its not the deciding factor, personality all the way.
Reply 5
I would prefere a girl who didn't have them obviously but its not the deciding factor, personality all the way.

Obviously? So you think it's a really bad thing?
Nope, wouldn't bother me at all. Like Riddy said, it's personality that counts :smile:
Reply 7
HIV/Aids would put me off. Hearing aids wouldn't at all.
It would only out shallow and naive boys off.
Reply 9
Well its like saying would looks or another disability put people off, it depends on the guy but hopefully most wouldn't mind its only an earing aid. If you are worried just wear your hair over your ears.
I cant see it would have any affect on me liking someone or not. Dont worry about it.
well the op did ask there is no point lying different guys would have different opinions, everyone has something that potentially makes them less attractive.
The only way "hearing aids" would put me off would be if you meant hearing a girl say "I have AIDS", i.e. hearing the word AIDS. :smile:

If you wear hearing aids though, I don't see why that should be a problem. It's just like wearing glasses, only it's to help your hearing instead of your sight.
Reply 13
OP, if some guy can't see through your hearing aids then he isn't worth it anyway and you automatically brand him an *******.
Reply 14
would put me off a little, call me shallow and all but the truth is most guys are shallow to some extent, though probably not shallow enough to be put off by hearing aids.
to quote brass eye 'you have good aids'
Reply 16
Hey, stop being silly! My sister is 23 and wears hearing aids, like you it is impossible to tell apart from actually seeing them. She has been through uni twice now and had no problems whatsoever. She is paranoid as well and wears her hair down all the time. In my opinion, it really doesn't have an impact on any type of relationship. She has a boyfriend and gets loads of male attention when out clubbing etc. It really isn't an issue!
Reply 17
King Hippo
The only way "hearing aids" would put me off would be if you meant hearing a girl say "I have AIDS", i.e. hearing the word AIDS. :smile:

If you wear hearing aids though, I don't see why that should be a problem. It's just like wearing glasses, only it's to help your hearing instead of your sight.

That's how I often think of it! That's a good way of looking at it, I'm just paranoid because of the people that have called me bad names, it's broken down my trust a bit :rolleyes: I suppose I'm worried that maybe I'd get into a relationship with someone I really liked and when he found out then he'd be like 'er actually I don't like you anymore.' That would be sad. Although having said all this, my hearing aids don't stop me from making friends, people still like me platonically so I guess logically potential boyfriends wouldn't mind too much either!
That's how I often think of it! That's a good way of looking at it, I'm just paranoid because of the people that have called me bad names, it's broken down my trust a bit :rolleyes: I suppose I'm worried that maybe I'd get into a relationship with someone I really liked and when he found out then he'd be like 'er actually I don't like you anymore.' That would be sad. Although having said all this, my hearing aids don't stop me from making friends, people still like me platonically so I guess logically potential boyfriends wouldn't mind too much either!

If a guy found out you had a hearing aid then said "I don't like you any more" then you should consider your hearing aid a lucky thing to have, since it'd have exposed him as a prick before it could have been too late.

I know some people make fun of you for it, but as I said before hearing aids are basically glasses for the ears. Some people call me "four-eyes" and "you speccy bastard", so it's all good. :biggrin:
Reply 19
Can you not get like funky looking hearing aids, like in cool colours? Or do they only do the boring beige ones? You could turn it into like a fashion accessory, just an idea.