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Is snogging someone else while drunk considered as cheating?

I guess this is a hypothetical question as me and my mates were discussing it earlier...but if your partner 'cheats' on you (ie snogs someone else in a club or whatever while completely drunk) but doesn't remember anything about it the next day, would it still be considered cheating? Would you forgive them?

This recently happened to a friend of mine. Her bf was on holiday with his mates and ended up wasted in a club. Apparently his mate saw him kissing another girl but he remembers nothing at all about it - he was so bad he didn't even remember the journey home! My friend found out about the kiss but said she wasnt bothered because it was a drunken moment that he doesnt remember and therefore its it meant nothing to him. She said that people cant be responsible for their actions when they're that drunk. Not sure if I agree tbh!

What are your views? Is it cheating? I cant say I'd be too thrilled if it happened to me

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Reply 2
yes it is, next :p:
I wouldn't be happy, but I'd be more inclined to forgive it than a pre-meditated thing.
Reply 4
It depends on your relationship entirely. If you have a mutual agreement that occasional accidents like that aren't a problem, then it's a little different, but as a general rule I would never put myself in that position when in a relationship. If you go out without your partner, you should not get drunk enough to do that. You have a responsibility.
Er yes it is :rolleyes: drink is a pathetic excuse.
Reply 6
there is no excuse for cheating, as long as you can speak you can say no. i would not accept that its ok if you are blind drunk
Reply 7
of course it is cheating if ur friend is willing 2 forgive him then thats her desicion..! but drunk or not cheating is cheating x x
Reply 8
It's still cheating.

Unless you are quite literally passed out you can and should resist, so yes it is cheating.
No question about it really.. Even if you are under the influence you still know that you shouldn't do a lot of things. You might be more inclined to let barriers down or whatever but whether drunk or not I think people do retain some sense of what is and isn't right. It might seem as though it's 'better' than if s/he had cheated while sober but whatever the situation it's still cheating...
Reply 10
If your with someone, and you like them...theres no excuse for kissing someone matter how much youve had.
I guess this is a hypothetical question as me and my mates were discussing it earlier...but if your partner 'cheats' on you (ie snogs someone else in a club or whatever while completely drunk) but doesn't remember anything about it the next day, would it still be considered cheating? Would you forgive them?

This recently happened to a friend of mine. Her bf was on holiday with his mates and ended up wasted in a club. Apparently his mate saw him kissing another girl but he remembers nothing at all about it - he was so bad he didn't even remember the journey home! My friend found out about the kiss but said she wasnt bothered because it was a drunken moment that he doesnt remember and therefore its it meant nothing to him. She said that people cant be responsible for their actions when they're that drunk. Not sure if I agree tbh!

What are your views? Is it cheating? I cant say I'd be too thrilled if it happened to me

In my eyes, it is wrong, being drunk (that much) is wrong, techicaly it is wrong in itself, he should never have got drunk in the first place. That excuse would annoy me even more TBH especially as it may mean he's not around as he drunk so much, he can't even rememeber it. She is obviosly okay with though.
Reply 12
Aye I'd say it was cheating.
Just forget it ever happened, drunken **** happens, especially when you're a teen.
Reply 14
In my eyes, it is wrong, being drunk (that much) is wrong, techicaly it is wrong in itself, he should never have got drunk in the first place.

:rolleyes: Taking the moral high ground "I'm better than you because I don't get drunk" approach isn't really related to the topic at all, and is a pointless argument.

Getting wasted isn't "wrong", get over it.
:rolleyes: Taking the moral high ground "I'm better than you because I don't get drunk" approach isn't really related to the topic at all, and is a pointless argument.

Getting wasted isn't "wrong", get over it.

IMO it is when you get drunk that much that you dont remember it and cheat on your partner.

Personally, I drink but don't get drunk as I don't want any more than one or two pints. Getting drunk is one thing but getting wasted or drinking lots will damage your body just look George Best and cost the NHS. Binge drinking is a big problem in this country as it makes the news. In today's society people especially the young don't see drinking lots as wrong, some will even get annoyed at people who don't get drunk or say it's stupid to critise binge drinkers who damage their body.
Reply 16
Were it unprecedented, then perhaps: after all, I could no more justly hold my girlfriend accountable in such an eventuality than had her beverage been deliberately contaminated by some ne'er-do-well seeking to parlay the situation (and her inexperience) to his advantage. Suffice it to say that not everyone knows their limitations and, trust being paramount in my estimation, I couldn't but take her word at face value in the first instance. Indeed, whilst the countervailing argument remains: that alcohol does not so much conjure sentiment out of thin-air as act to disinhibit dormant and repressed or otherwise underlying impulses; inhibitions are, in essence (and loathe though we may be to admit it), the only thing that prevents us from 'cheating' to begin with. As such, extenuating or otherwise adverse circumstances should, to an extent, be allowed-for.

However, I should (quite logically) find myself less charitably inclined toward someone that, having prior awareness as to their own susceptibility in that regard, undertook to imbibe copious amounts of intoxicant notwithstanding. That would be simply flagrant.
OP yep its still cheating
Rock Fan
Er yes it is :rolleyes: drink is a pathetic excuse.

Reply 19
:rolleyes: Taking the moral high ground "I'm better than you because I don't get drunk" approach isn't really related to the topic at all, and is a pointless argument.

Getting wasted isn't "wrong", get over it.

It is when it alienates your reason to the degree that you cannot control your own actions. I hate to go down the legal avenue, but if you got that drunk and, say, started a fight then you'd expect a court to give you a harsher sentence because of your drunkness - and quite rightly too, society has accepted that sort of behaviour is wrong.

All the same, I'm a drunkard, but I also never pretended to be very moral.