I used to have fair hair on my stomach, especially the belly button, and shaved it (stupid, yes i realise that now) So now it grows back dark and it means i constantly have to shave there. Are there any other options. I'm going on holiday soon and would like a hair free stomach for more than a few days. Has anyone waxed their stomach?? x
Of course there are other options. Depilatory cream, epilating, plucking, waxing, sugaring-- those all get rid of hair to the root, giving much longer-lasting results.
I would advise getting out of the habit of hair removal; let the hair (after waxing/similar, to avoid a blunt hair tip) grow back in and, if it bothers you, bleach it. Everyone has stomach hair.
One of my friends has the same problem, and she shaves her tummy too - but her hairs just grow back as before not darker or coarser...and waxing your stomach must hurt right?
I think tummy fuzz looks cute hehe...bleaching would be a good option though, as, despite its cuteness, treasure trails look better on guys than girlies!
Ok because i use to shave my area - Iv been left with little brown spots from where I had ingrown hairs Does anyone have any ideas as to how I could get rid of the marrks???
Ok because i use to shave my area - Iv been left with little brown spots from where I had ingrown hairs Does anyone have any ideas as to how I could get rid of the marrks???
Firstly, make sure you're exfoliating properly (i.e there arn't any ingrowns still there) and secondly, vitamin E is good for reducing marks/scars either in oil form or as a moisturiser containing vitamin E. Bio-oil is also supposed to be good for this although its a bit pricier, and I haven't tried that myself.
One of my friends has the same problem, and she shaves her tummy too - but her hairs just grow back as before not darker or coarser...and waxing your stomach must hurt right?
You can hardly feel it, there's so much flab there
hair removal cream tends to last for a few days, waxing is by far the best option and my hairs have grown back really light and thin so i dont really bother anymore.
hair removal cream tends to last for a few days, waxing is by far the best option and my hairs have grown back really light and thin so i dont really bother anymore.
I shaved and it grew back thicker but yes, waxing reversed the problem by making it grow back thinner. Waxing is great
Go to a professional waxer though, and try to find a salon that uses tea-tree oil wax, as it's a natural antiseptic.
Exfoliate too, I use a body scrub plus exfoliating gloves every day, I know that may apear harsh, but it can help zap cellulite as well, massage your thighs and butt until the skin tingles
Did the laser treatment work? I was looking into that but it seemed really expensive
It was a home lasering kit. I don't know about professional lasering, but I found that sometimes it didn't get the hairs out (They apparently fall off after two weeks if they don't come out right away). Didn't hurt. Sometimes you smelt/saw the hair burn from the laser.
It was a home lasering kit. I don't know about professional lasering, but I found that sometimes it didn't get the hairs out (They apparently fall off after two weeks if they don't come out right away). Didn't hurt. Sometimes you smelt/saw the hair burn from the laser.
Hmmmm - so would u recommend Laser then or would you say not bother??
There is a salon in Chelt that offers White Light Therapy - which is to reduce the appearance of the scars and eventually slow the growth or even stop the hairs from growing back but that is like £75 per treatment!!!!!