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Pint of Stella.
Reply 2
depending on mood:

1/2 pint beer/lager (quite blokey but who cares)
vodka and coke/red bull/tonic
gin and tonic (I'd say this is the one I have most often!)
Pimm's and lemonade
sometimes tequila shots
Bacardi/Tia Maria/Malibu and Coke

I never ever have wine when I go out because I have it all the time at home. Also I have no time for alcopops.

(reading that makes me feel alcoholic but whatever)
Reply 3
If I've had a particularly hard day, I'll have a - neat - whisky (Glenfiddich if it's there, otherwise Famous Grouse). Very occasionally I might have a port in the pub, but it's so rare to find decent port in most pubs that I usually stick to other drinks. If I'm eating, I'll almost always have wine. But as a rule, I drink beer in the pub (Stella Artois or kronenbourg). My rule of thumb is that pubs are for beer.
Reply 4
Malibu and coke, or half of cider. If I'm with my Dad he tries to make me drink beer but that doesn't happen very often!
Reply 5
Ethanol in a range of flavours and strengths.

Wine,beer,spirits and apple sours and to be frank I will drink most stuff.

Generally and I mean generally I will drink beer, but sometimes if I'm not getting there I'll have a chaser. On rare occasions I'll drink wine.

To be frank wines my favourite but it can be expensive so I tend to go for beer.
Reply 6
It depends on my mood, so it could be any of the following:

-Pint of lager
-Cider on ice
-Gin and tonic
-Rum and coke
-Whisky and coke

I’ve always thought about trying wine in a pub, but wouldn’t want to waste my money – at Sainsbury I can get a nice bottle for £3, whereas in the pub it’ll cost more and may not be as nice.
Reply 7
It depends. If the pub has Hoegaarden on tap then I will always go for that. Otherwise, I tend to go for a bitter or go for a soft drink. I can't stand most beers...
Reply 8
Usually gin and tonic or single malt whisky.

If in the sort of pub that screws up a gin and tonic (about 75%, quite unbelievably) and doesn't actually have good whisky, I'll have a Tiger, a pint of Tennents, cider, or maybe even a Jack Daniels.
Magners but then there was an incident and now i stick to Strongbow or vodka.
Reply 10
A pint of real ale at my local in Autumn, Winter or early Spring. During summer I'm a lager drinker unless it's a special occasion or there's something that I absolutely must sample.

Generally speaking, in other locations I will have a pint of lager: the much maligned Kronenberg is most typical, followed by Stella... but if there's variety, I'm often game to try something different.

I occasionally have a malt too, usually Talisker, sometimes Laphroaig if I'm feeling a bit light and airy.

If I'm very drunk, I will start knocking back double vodkas about half and half with lemonade or water in order to push me close to the edge. Aside from that, I don't really drink spirits much when I'm out these days.
Reply 11
Pint of Carlsberg & a shot of cherry Corky's.
(I only have Carlsberg because it's £1.99 & easiest, haha)
Reply 12
Depends on the pub and how much money I have,
At whetherspoons I am more inclined to purchase Koppaberg
If I don't have alot of money I will buy lager and lime which is cheap
If I have got enough money I choose white wine or malibu and some kind of mixer, usually coke.
Strongbow. Cheap.
Reply 14
if it's a really cheap bar (like in eastern europe for example) i just go for straight vodka, whatever one looks particularly good that evening. apple, cherry and rose flavour vodkas being my favourite.

in england, given the price of vodka and the fact that it's usually just smirnoff, i drink strongbow mostly. don't mind grolsch or sometimes snakebite but i really don't like stella.
Reply 15
Southern Comfort and lemonade. One of the few alcoholic drinks i've tried that doesn't taste like alcohol. Tastes more like refreshers :cool:
(edited 12 years ago)
archers and lemonade, malibu and coke or cider
Top three drinks in great britain today, by personal experience as bartender.

1) Pint of carling/cheapiest ****tiest lager on tap.
2) Jack Daniels and Coke.
3) Southern Comfort and Lemonade.

As for my personal choice...

Abbott Ale.
Kronenbourg/Kronenbourg Blanc.
Jameson and coke.
Jim Beam and coke.

if im out to get mashed, ill kick off with a couple of aftershocks and then chase that with three double vodka and cokes before going to single vodka and cokes for the rest of the night.
Reply 19
I'm quite partial to a good Gin and Tonic too, but as you rightly pointed out, very few places can actually get it right. When I'm paying a premium for a drink for using their premises, I expect it to be served properly. I hate it when all they do if give you a can of tonic water and a glass with a measure of gin in it.

I actually prefer it when they do that in some rubbish pubs - better than getting 25ml gin alongside 250ml tonic.

When at home I use 50ml gin, 150ml Schweppes tinned tonic water, 3 large blocks of ice and I squeeze a quarter segment of lime into the drink. Perfection. My favourite gins are Blackwoods, Plymouth and Bombay Sapphire.