Ok here's my problem. I have normal hearing (although people with hearing loss can probably relate) but I struggle a lot following conversations and taking part. especially in any environment that's a bit noisy.
A lot of friends have noticed on several occasions that I struggle to follow conversations and just make a joke out of it (not in a nasty way).
The trouble is, I come across as rather aloof. I am not that outgoing anyway but this whole problem just makes me seem very reserved in certain situations where I'd like to take part in a conversation but I'm left struggling to figure out what people are talking about.
When socialising, this can really make me look stupid. I can miss something and someone might say "Just go back to sleep", which in a way is rather hurtful but it is part of the whole social banter that socialising is part of. That just gives you an idea of how difficult it can be.
But the real problem is that anywhere I might potentially meet someone, I just can't have a proper conversation and you can imagine the reaction of any girl when I have to ask her to repeat something twice or I answer something back that doesn't make sense. It really just ruins any chance of me to get to know anyone when going out and it's incredibly frustrating. I have been told that I might be suffering from auditory processing disorder, where your brain struggles to make sense of sounds.
Girls, what would you suggest I do? You can probably imagine how you would react if you were trying to have a conversation with a guy and he doesn't seem to catch everything...