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I don't think there are pros as such. The appreciation of one's partner isn't something that should have its origin in the fact that you rarely see them; that's a bit like saying an upside of not having enough money to feed your family is that when you do feed them they appreciate it.

There are only negatives really. Not seeing them when you want, not being able to count on their support when necessary, lack of sex, etc. But sometimes the negatives are worth it if there is a prospect of eventually having a proper relationship.
Reply 2
Pro: You can cheat whenever you want.

Can't think of any negatives from the top of my head....
cons: no physical contact, you wonder what they're doing, and if you're the paranoid type you wonder what they're up to in that respect, you just miss them, you can drift apart, or come closer depending on how long it is for.
Pro: In winter you can go a very long time indeed without having to shave your legs.
Reply 5
Pro: You can cheat whenever you want.

Can't think of any negatives from the top of my head....


on a serious note i can't think of any positives, only negatives..... what possible advantage can there be to seeing your partner less often?
Reply 6
Would anyone, given the choice, actually pick an LDR over one when you can see your partner as often as you like? Sure, some relationships are worth the hassle and pain of being long-distance, but that doesn't mean that they're better because of being long distance. It just means that what you have is worth putting up with the crap stuff.

Englishstudent's comparison is a good one.
LDR's require £££ for transport?
I'm not saying that my boyfriend living miles and miles away is a good thing! I hate the fact that I can't see him all that often:frown: I'm just trying to make the best of the situation, thats all
i can't really think of any pros
ive been in a LDR for nearly a year an a half now...
when we first started goin out he lived abnout 2 hours away an i saw him most weekends. when it was te summer we saw each other most days until he then went back to uni which was then 3 hours away and we saw each other about 3 weekends ina month but now hes back from uni and we have the summer together again..

and it has worked out absolutly fine! i bet all you people who see their boyf/girlf everday..dont get excited to see them ( like it was when you first started going out ) its exactly like that . its like the " honeymoon period" is still there, even a year later.
Reply 11
The only pro I can think of is that it would be better than no relationship with the perfect person. :smile:

I've never really done the LDR thing, so can't really comment much.
Exactly. I'd rather be with my boyfriend the way it is now, than not be with him at all.

And as the anon said, you get excited everytime you go and see them, like an excitable child:p:

Con: when you are actually back together, it can be hard to adjust. Had a good friend, LDR for 2 years, now they're living in the same city and they realized they didn't know how to deal with each other. Took a few months to adjust and they nearly broke up!
Pro: You can cheat whenever you want.

Can't think of any negatives from the top of my head....

Heres a con for ya, they can cheat on you whenever they want. :wink:
Pro is that during an LDR you always look forward to the next time you see each other

con's more arguments over not seeing each other.
Reply 16
pro- when you do meet up, its amazing and wonderful. Seeing them when you haven't seen them in ages. It makes the wait worth while. Great things are worth waiting for.

Con- loneliness.
pro: You get that 'first kiss' feeling more often due to the big gaps when you can't kiss them....makes the next one sooo much better!
Positive- you enjoy the relationship more because it's not all about sex. It's about a sense of humour, intellectual discussion, and so on.

LDRs are just as soul shattering when they end. They're still as heart warming when they exist.
Heres a con for ya, they can cheat on you whenever they want. :wink:

Mutually beneficial then !