The Student Room Group

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Reply 100
Also, for future reference don't tell people not to do something, when you do the same thing ten times worse. That's called hypocrisy!!
Reply 101
Well, well, well!!
How interesting!! You regard opinions to be insulting. How about all of the opinions you expressed in which you blatantly insulted and degraded those who have different morals to yours. Blue was being extremely tactful and respectful! Way more respect than you deserve in my opinion.
If you want to jump in bed with the first person you meet, go for it. I don't think anyone will care less. I'd just be interested to see you in 20 years time.

Haha, i'm not quite sure why you've got such a hard on for me, you need to relax, maybe get laid a little.

You also seem to have mistaken someone else's hypocrisy for my own, Blue expressed distaste at the insulting of people who decide to wait and then proceeded to insult other people. I have at no point claimed never to insult people or acted surprised at the insults, i also did not tell Blue not to insult people, I just pointed out the hypocrisy of her post. So, the hormonal rant is a little misguided. :smile:
Oh no i got negative repped!Im sorry for everything ive said!Im leaving this forum now!Good luck to everyone thouogh :smile:


Anyways in answer to the OP, I think when it feels right, on average tho id say 3 months.
Reply 103
I have many arguments for leaving sex until marriage, which I'm not going to put here for the risk of being called frigid or whatever.

What I will say is that your virginity is the best possible gift to give your partner on your wedding night.

We had a "marriage day" at our school were we asked couples questions, most were old and had never slept with another partner, but the one young couple we got to talk to said they had both slept with other people before each other, and it was the hardest hurdle they had to get over and come to terms with in their relationship, and they really regretted not leaving sex until marriage.

Just something to think about.

Oh, and for the girls, I'm not speaking for everyone here, but most guys would like to marry virgins rather than girls who had slept around a lot.
Reply 104
Oh, and for the girls, I'm not speaking for everyone here, but most guys would like to marry virgins rather than girls who had slept around a lot.

You are utterly, utterly wrong.
Reply 105
id rather not marry a virgin

im not going to lie but at the ame time dont want to belittle some of the people on here, whils i dont like girls who sleep around, im put of by virgins. i was seeing one for a while (nothing happened) a month or so back and it was just **** from beginning to end.
Reply 106
3232 is correct here, I don't think it matters anymore in this society. While I'm sure some people would find it nice, I doubt anyone would reject people purely on the fact that they aren't a virgin... that is somewhat a shallow mindset to have.
Reply 107
The *idea* of the virgin bride or indeed bridegroom is so romantic, the reality would be or could be devastating, how do people deal with sexual incompatability?

The misery of a physically loveless marraige must be soul destroying, would it be morally correct to condemn anyone to that situation through enforced moral or religous beliefs?
I have many arguments for leaving sex until marriage, which I'm not going to put here for the risk of being called frigid or whatever.

What I will say is that your virginity is the best possible gift to give your partner on your wedding night.

We had a "marriage day" at our school were we asked couples questions, most were old and had never slept with another partner, but the one young couple we got to talk to said they had both slept with other people before each other, and it was the hardest hurdle they had to get over and come to terms with in their relationship, and they really regretted not leaving sex until marriage.

Just something to think about.

Oh, and for the girls, I'm not speaking for everyone here, but most guys would like to marry virgins rather than girls who had slept around a lot.

And it never occurred to you to realise that the couples were especially selected because of their viewpoints?

Ah, the naivete of school children.
Reply 109
Sexual incompability... Asides from the obvious one where one person has a higher sex drive than the other person, what other problems are there exactly that can't be overcome?
Reply 110
Sexual incompability... Asides from the obvious one where one person has a higher sex drive than the other person, what other problems are there exactly that can't be overcome?

Incredibly conservative vs incredibly liberal? Its not just how often you have sex, but also how you have sex. Some people just aren't comfortable doing a lot of sexual activities, and some of them will just never be able to work through it.
Reply 111

Oh, and for the girls, I'm not speaking for everyone here, but most guys would like to marry virgins rather than girls who had slept around a lot.

I'm yet to meet one who seriously expects this. In order to marry a virgin, they would have had to be in a relationship with them for (probably) several years, and never be tempted? I don't know many men (or women, we like having sex too!) who would go through with that. Of course, I can understand people not wanting to marry someone who had slept with loads of people, but there is quite a lot of middle ground between virgin and whore...

Once upon a time I thought I'd stay a virgin till I was married. But I grew up.
Reply 112
Haha, i'm not quite sure why you've got such a hard on for me, you need to relax, maybe get laid a little.

You also seem to have mistaken someone else's hypocrisy for my own, Blue expressed distaste at the insulting of people who decide to wait and then proceeded to insult other people. I have at no point claimed never to insult people or acted surprised at the insults, i also did not tell Blue not to insult people, I just pointed out the hypocrisy of her post. So, the hormonal rant is a little misguided. :smile:

I feel very sorry for you because it's obvious you have no valid argument to make and have thus resorted to calling me hormonal and saying that I should get laid!! I could give you a list of at least a 100 different opportunities I have had, where if I wanted, I could have got laid. But unlike you, I have self-control and look at matters in the long-term, rather than in the short-term only. Also unlike you, who can only think with his penis, I think with my brain!
Reply 113
more adventurous
Most normal girls will be turned on and maybe feel a bit tingly if their boyfriend tells her that he wishes to fornicate with her. Wait til you've passed puberty, then you'll see.

I passed puberty a long time before you. Learn to grow up and stop talking crap!
I passed puberty a long time before you. Learn to grow up and stop talking crap!

It sure seems like it from the way you're acting :rolleyes:
Lets face it, some of the stuff your saying is utter crap too.
Reply 115
I feel very sorry for you because it's obvious you have no valid argument to make and have thus resorted to calling me hormonal and saying that I should get laid!! I could give you a list of at least a 100 different opportunities I have had, where if I wanted, I could have got laid. But unlike you, I have self-control and look at matters in the long-term, rather than in the short-term only. Also unlike you, who can only think with his penis, I think with my brain!

I find it hard to believe that someone who thinks with their 'brain' can come into a thread, read a post where someone says they want a sexual relationship rather than a relationship where they wait till marriage, take a quick look at a profile with barely 10 words on it and then assume that you know me at all.

Wanting a sexual relationship does not make someone sex-crazed, a slag, short-term only, shallow or emotionally barren. The fact that you seem to jump to this conclusion shows just how little you know about sexual relationships, and therefore while you may not consider yourself immature, you are certainly naive.
Reply 116
I think there's enough bickering now. I'll close the thread if people haven't got anything more constructive to say.
Why is that the sex topics have like 10 pages?
I used to have sex on first dates because I had low self esteem an wanted someone to want me. However I have recently stopped jumping into bed with he first guy that calls me pretty and I have learnt how to respect myself. I have found a really nice guy and although I want to sleep with him I want to wait until I know I can trust him and that we want to sleep together ebcuase we feel ready.
Reply 119
more adventurous
You should probably change your profile so it doesn't say you're still in high school, if you don't want people to know about that.

Actually, I just finished A-levels for your information. So I'm no longer in school. Why would I care what people know or don't know. It's not like I have anything to be ashamed of :wink: