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Becoming a Dentist from Dental Hygiene

Hi I'm another stressed out 6th form student wondering about where I'm gonna end up in life.

It turns out I don't/won't have the grades to get onto a dentistry course at ANY uni because I've got 2 A levels (Bio/Chem) and a BTEC (sport) that isn't accepted. HOWEVER I may have a chance at getting onto a Dental hygiene and therapy course and I was told that if i graduate from there I can move onto doing another 2 year course for Dentistry.

My questions are -
Is this true?
What are the odds of getting on?
If it's not true, what other pathways are there to getting onto Dentistry with - lets say an A in Bio + Chem and a Distinction* In BTEC sport.

Any advice would help - i feel like a gazelle with a broken leg :/
Halp mee

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I'm not overly sure on how to answer the second and third points of your question, however, I am about to start second year of dentistry, and a girl from the dental hygiene and therapy course is moving onto our course after her first year because she did so well in her exams. So yes, it is possible to get into dentistry via this route, although probably getting accepted midway through the hygiene/therapy course as opposed to after graduation is a bit rarer
Are you at Newcastle by any chance, because I know they clearly state on their website that there is an option to transfer to BDS after the 1st year of Dental Hygiene and Therapy or Biomedical Science if you meet their transfer criteria.

Yes, this was at Newcastle!
Do you know anywhere else which you have the chance to move onto the BDS from hygiene and therapy?!
I’d never heard of the option to change across from DHT to BDS whilst on the course, that’s very interesting! I graduated as a DHT in 2016 and now applying to graduate entry dentistry this year. It’s so competitive though, chances of getting in aren’t very high! But I can only try :smile:
Whats the point they get paid pretty much the same...
trying to switch to dentistry is more competitive compared to 3 years ago.
Hi there. I also thinking of applying to graduate dentistry from DHT. May I ask what you have done in preparation for this and what progress you've made?
Original post by MihirShrestha
Hi there. I also thinking of applying to graduate dentistry from DHT. May I ask what you have done in preparation for this and what progress you've made?

I studied Oral Health Sciences then I worked for 3 years as a therapist. Last September I applied for grad entry dentistry. I’ve been lucky enough to get an offer and i should start in September this year. Are you doing DHT at the moment? Good luck!
Reply 9
Hi there,I am eager to find out what pathway I have to follow to be able to study dentistry? I am a registered dental hygienist. Would appreciate if you could help me sharing your experiences! Many thanks
Hi there,I am eager to find out what pathway I have to follow to be able to study dentistry? I am a registered dental hygienist. Would appreciate if you could help me sharing your experiences! Many thanks

If you have any specific questions feel free to message me! I’m a DHT right now but going to uni in sept to start dentistry ☺️ Good luck!
Original post by TheMolarBear
If you have any specific questions feel free to message me! I’m a DHT right now but going to uni in sept to start dentistry ☺️ Good luck!

Hi I have just finished year 13 and have ended up with BBC for my CAG's. Is there any point me even applying for Dentistry, I am doing exams in October and will have hopefully better results on Dec 17th... But should I only apply for dental hygiene or risk dentistry... as I need to do ucas application by Oct 15th
Original post by nraizada
Hi I have just finished year 13 and have ended up with BBC for my CAG's. Is there any point me even applying for Dentistry, I am doing exams in October and will have hopefully better results on Dec 17th... But should I only apply for dental hygiene or risk dentistry... as I need to do ucas application by Oct 15th

Also, to apply to Newcastle for BDS do you have to have done the Dental hygiene course with them or can it be from another Uni?
Hi Due to the current situation my CAG were only BBC, I was hoping to do Dentistry by appling again this year with results from August. But now exams are in Oct....I need to do my UCAS application and my teachers are not willing to give higher predicted grades, is there even a point applying for dentistry? Or should I just do Dental Hygiene and therapy and then move over?
Original post by nraizada
Hi I have just finished year 13 and have ended up with BBC for my CAG's. Is there any point me even applying for Dentistry, I am doing exams in October and will have hopefully better results on Dec 17th... But should I only apply for dental hygiene or risk dentistry... as I need to do ucas application by Oct 15th

Hey! Are those grades what you expected to get /like your mocks? I’d only apply if you were confident of AAA really as I think that’s the lowest considered unless you have a contextual offer? Don’t quote me though - I’m a bit out of touch with undergrad dentistry maybe ask that thread! I didn’t get AAA at a level and I’m doing grad dentistry now though so it’s not the end of the world if you can’t apply yet. :smile:
Original post by nraizada
Also, to apply to Newcastle

Original post by nraizada
Hi Due to the current situation my CAG were only BBC, I was hoping to do Dentistry by appling again this year with results from August. But now exams are in Oct....I need to do my UCAS application and my teachers are not willing to give higher predicted grades, is there even a point applying for dentistry? Or should I just do Dental Hygiene and therapy and then move over?

I know you’ve asked about Newcastle and transferring to BDS further up and I’m afraid I’m unsure. But I have recently read that Liverpool are doing a pathway where their top DHT students can choose to go on and do BDS if they score highly enough in those 3 years. Generally though this doesn’t seem common and you’d need to (like me) reapply for grad entry dentistry (or a second undergrad if you wish) after you finish DHT. Hope that helps!
Original post by nraizada
Hi Due to the current situation my CAG were only BBC, I was hoping to do Dentistry by appling again this year with results from August. But now exams are in Oct....I need to do my UCAS application and my teachers are not willing to give higher predicted grades, is there even a point applying for dentistry? Or should I just do Dental Hygiene and therapy and then move over?

Unless you are eligible for contextual offers, then I'm afraid you'll be instantly rejected pre-interview stage if you apply for dentistry with BBC.
Unfortunately that is not all true. You may have to do a gateway into Dentistry which will take another 4 years. Some universities may offer 3 years depending on the circumstances. The odds of getting in are very slim, it is said that getting into a dental hygiene and therapy course is more competitive than Dentistry itself, nonetheless with hard-work and dedication, I don't see why you cannot make it ( I did lol) I think you should go for it and apply for DHT or oral sciences at university for this academic year. If not take a gap year and do a extra a level, however it does have to be in the same siting, as most universities want you to get the three A levels in the same academic year. Hope this helps.
(edited 4 years ago)
Original post by toothfairy1
I'm not overly sure on how to answer the second and third points of your question, however, I am about to start second year of dentistry, and a girl from the dental hygiene and therapy course is moving onto our course after her first year because she did so well in her exams. So yes, it is possible to get into dentistry via this route, although probably getting accepted midway through the hygiene/therapy course as opposed to after graduation is a bit rarer

What uni do you go to?
Hi there, how long will you be going for university to complete the dentistry? Is it full 4 years? As I have also heard there’s an 18 months route.

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