The Student Room Group

What happened to Waterloo Road?

This used to be my favourite Programme although I stopped when they moved the School from England to Scotland as I wasn't interested in a Scottish Drama and by that point they kept recycling stroylines like Teen Pregnancy, Aswell as the same old same old Gang Culture, Fires, Parents are deadbeat, Affais, Drugs not to mention the whole Student who makes sexual advances towards teacher and the teacher gets the blame for it.

They also recycled the Character Dynamics like Scout = Sam, Chlo and Donte = Ronan and Vicki, Luis = Kyle Stack, Bolton and the other guy he hung out with = Denzel and the other one and so on with the same storylines but just different faces and names. Not to mention how the continuity between episodes started to become non-existent.

Seriously where did this show go wrong, I started watching on Youtube from where I stopped when it was broadcast on TV Series 8 when the school is in Scotland.
(edited 8 years ago)

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Omg I used to watch it all the time. I think it was after series 10 they stopped making more episodes
I have watched every episode of Waterloo Road at least 10 times and I have to say series 3 to 7 were my favourite, if I had to pick one probably 4. I love Waterloo Road but I'm the same of as you, I don't know what happened either. What I think happened was they were trying to appeal to a different audience demographic but went down the wrong hill. As soon as Tom and Grantly were cheaply axed off, I was kind of annoyed, especially as in the final episode Max Tyler is heard but Tom isn't? So 8-10 was disappointing in many ways. I still watched it as some of it was new e.g. Christine's alcoholism was different from Rose's and was associated with her being a teacher, plus she actually drank and drove, or Rhiannon having pictures that she had sent to her boyfriend sent around the school, something they hadn't really covered yet, and it's like one of those things I can't stop watching.
Original post by 1secondsofvamps
Omg I used to watch it all the time. I think it was after series 10 they stopped making more episodes

Series 10 episode 20 was the last ever episode. The last ten episodes were on BBC three, the rest on BBC one.
Reply 4
Original post by ExoIceCream99
Series 10 episode 20 was the last ever episode. The last ten episodes were on BBC three, the rest on BBC one.

Thats probaby why I didn't hear much of it lol.
Reply 5
Afaik; they sold the set on which it was filmed on - hence them needing to end it :smile:
I only heard about it because I follow the facebook page and keep up to date.
It became a free school under the new governments policy. Exam results fell. Teachers were sacked. Then the main backer dropped out. School was forced to close.
I always used to look forward to Waterloo Road on Wed evenings.... such a shame the BBC axed it, the original few series were the best!
Original post by Amellia123
I always used to look forward to Waterloo Road on Wed evenings.... such a shame the BBC axed it, the original few series were the best!

Which series was your favourite?
Reply 10
Original post by Amellia123
I always used to look forward to Waterloo Road on Wed evenings.... such a shame the BBC axed it, the original few series were the best!

Same Waterloo Road and The Apprentice a lovely wednesday evening in.
Original post by ExoIceCream99
Which series was your favourite?

I think probably series 1 (as ive just started to rewatch that again). I also liked the series before Chris Mead left? I cant really remember, only that the first few series were good as they hadn't started reusing story lines by that point :lol:
Original post by Popsiclez
Same Waterloo Road and The Apprentice a lovely wednesday evening in.

Ikr - best Wednesday evening viewing ever.... did you ever watch the Junior Apprentice? It was rather funny except that it got axed :lol:
Chris left series 7 episode 10 :smile:
Original post by Amellia123
I think probably series 1 (as ive just started to rewatch that again). I also liked the series before Chris Mead left? I cant really remember, only that the first few series were good as they hadn't started reusing story lines by that point :lol:
It definitely went downhill when the show moved to scotland. The earlier few series where definately better and it went downhill in later series.
Like others have said, the show eventually stopped.
Original post by ExoIceCream99
Chris left series 7 episode 10 :smile:

ahh I see, so I must like series 6 then? Wow I cant wait to rewatch Waterloo Road completely this holiday! :smile:
Original post by Amellia123
ahh I see, so I must like series 6 then? Wow I cant wait to rewatch Waterloo Road completely this holiday! :smile:

Ive done this so much!!!
Reply 17
I didn't like the direction they moved it in but I prefered they continued it as the only thing the BBC is producing is period dramas.
Series 4 was the peak I think. The storyline with the Kelly's was just perfect as it showed the devastating consequences of Waterloo road's persisting core of inclusion. The actor who played Earl was amazing as well.
I think after about Series 7, WR went down the sh**ter.:s-smilie:

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