This used to be my favourite Programme although I stopped when they moved the School from England to Scotland as I wasn't interested in a Scottish Drama and by that point they kept recycling stroylines like Teen Pregnancy, Aswell as the same old same old Gang Culture, Fires, Parents are deadbeat, Affais, Drugs not to mention the whole Student who makes sexual advances towards teacher and the teacher gets the blame for it.
They also recycled the Character Dynamics like Scout = Sam, Chlo and Donte = Ronan and Vicki, Luis = Kyle Stack, Bolton and the other guy he hung out with = Denzel and the other one and so on with the same storylines but just different faces and names. Not to mention how the continuity between episodes started to become non-existent.
Seriously where did this show go wrong, I started watching on Youtube from where I stopped when it was broadcast on TV Series 8 when the school is in Scotland.