The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Is Andy the most useful person ever.....probably!!! :wink:

PS - How many Edinburgh students have actually purchased on of the Freshers Packs?!? :confused:
Is Andy the most useful person ever.....probably!!! :wink:

PS - How many Edinburgh students have actually purchased on of the Freshers Packs?!? :confused:

hey leekey loo
u can get away with not gettin freshers week packs, i know 3 or so ppl who didnt, and yeh theyre expensive for nothing, but then again ur freshers and need to get into the hang of spending money u dont have! plus u get a wee card which means u can def get into the student unis durin the week - basically u wont b able to get into these without a card (unless ur gud at flirtin). ermm im glad i got mine so i didnt have to worry, but then again the unis are soo packed durin freshers week u maynt get in neway!
OH and dont get excited about the freshers ball! freeze in the cold for TEVIOT (lol ull laugh at that this time nxt year) - girls wear coats and not smart dresses!!
x o x