;console;......i know i shouldnt laugh but Im 18 and i used to read Cosmogirl until recently as its gone crap, i brought Sugar the other week and its not much better
I'm 16 and I like to read Elle... I find Cosmogirl too... propaganda-y. In Elle you actually find good diets, whereas in Cosmogirl it's like 'zomg no don't diet lolz have a burger innit'
I've been reading Elle and Glamour and occasionally Vogue since I was about 16. Before then it was Shout, J17 and Sugar in my early teens-I think most of those have gone out of business since then. The teen market is pretty rubbish at the moment-I think girls prefer mags like Glamour etc these days. I read something about this recently, I'll try find the link
I don't read magazines much but when I do it's More, Cosmo, Company or New Woman. I like the trashy ones like Pick Me Up for a funny read on the bus though! Sad? Yep!
;console;......i know i shouldnt laugh but Im 18 and i used to read Cosmogirl until recently as its gone crap, i brought Sugar the other week and its not much better
That moment was a realisation of "Oh god I'm old!"
Magazines suck. End of. Its the mental equivalent of stuffing yourself with ten bags of Haribo sweets. Books are much better.
how could anything involving excessive haribo be a bad thing?
anywho, magazines are shiite. nothing in them you can't get for free on the net. and mags are chock full of adverts - at least you can block them on the internet!
There is something you can't get on the internet: free gifts-with women's mags at the moment you can get your whole beach holiday set-sarong, bikini, flip flops, bag, trashy novel...
I buy Elle and NME if anything now (I'm 18). I used to buy Bliss and J17 all the time when I was about 15/16, before that it was a variation of Sugar, Mizz and Shout!. Thinking about it I also used to buy cosmo, Glamour and New Woman all the time from a very young and impressionable age lol.