The Student Room Group

BTEC art & design foundation results day?

So much talk about the results day on the forum, but what about us art foundation students who finished last month? I know my grades, but when(if) does UCAS send those to our firm choices? I haven't heard from mine and am not sure if I should be calling them up because UCAS has not managed to let them know my grades.

Is there some way of finding out when this happens (so I know not to panic that they've forgotten me)?
Reply 1
You should get a certificate in the post.
I however havn't got mine either (though my awarding body is my university as my Foundation is not a BTEC) so I went down to the general office - only to be given a number for the main examinations office. I'm phoning them on Monday (as they're closed due to holidays atm).

Perhaps you should contact your college's general office?
hey I finished my foundation course last month and instead of waiting for the cerficiate to come through the post which could be as late as september I was sent an SRF, a student report form which has your grade etc on it. all unis will take this as evidence, just photocopy or scan and send a copy to your uni. this will comfirm your place. just ask your tutor/course leader for your form
Reply 3
I finished my course at the end of June, and I knew then that I got a Level 4: Distinction.

Two days ago, Salford Uni contacted me saying that I need to send a copy of my certificates so that I can confirm my place. (For some reason they only offered me a conditional place, even though my A-Level results alone were good enough to get in).

But I haven't heard when I will get those certificates. I have tried phoning my college but they were always busy because of results day. So I am trying again later.

But in response to the post above, when I finished the course they gave me a piece of paper with the college letterhead and my results was handwritten on it by my tutor. Do you think sending a copy of this will be good enough?

Reply 4
No worries, I'm going getting my certificate from college today....