The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I dunno but the checkout people are the fastest in the business!

Good pay there isn't it?
Reply 2
Very good pay I've heard!! Stay there for a year and you'll probably be on £7-8ph on the checkout, easy.
Reply 3
£7.80 an hour then after 6 months rises to £8.50 i think
Reply 4
There you go then! Go for it
Reply 5
Lidl seems like a very good place to work to me. It's not as big as major supermarkets, so you're not really an anonymous checkout worker, and it's somewhat less busy from what I see!
I saw jobs being advertised for this place in my local paper and im going to apply for it. Money is very good and hours are failry reasonable.

Go for it I say :smile:
Reply 7
I reckon it's a good company because it's German :smile:

I think either Lidl or Aldi were really high in the Times top 100 graduate career paths or something...
Reply 8
£7.60 an hour for starters!
oh my, my years of slating lidl and aldi and netto have come back to kick me.
Reply 9
What is the starting rate for 17 yr olds?

Do they usually employ college students?
Reply 10
Hi guys i got a job their a few days ago i start on wednesday (im talking about LIDL) im getting paid £6.20 an hour and im 18, so it is good compared to other places, and yes the hours are very flexible my shift is 7pm-10pm so quite easy!
Reply 11
Do they take a long time to get back to you?

Also what is the correct pronounciation of Lidl?

I've heard some say Lee-dal :s-smilie::s-smilie: I have always pronounced it Li-dl
Reply 12
Lee (short pronunciation)-dl. (more like "dul")
Reply 14
my local lidl pays £8.50 on start, or so was the application when it was being built, had to be 18 though. Rise after 3 months. Dont think its changed from what anyone around me has said. So must change with stores.

It looks a nice enough job, and your being paid well which isnt common in supermarkets! I have friends who have worked in somerfields for 3 years and are 18 and still paid less than £6.
Reply 15
hey guys,

I just sumitted an applicaton form to Lidl, any idea on how long I will be waiting?