The Student Room Group
Reply 1
more adventurous
I'm looking for a novel (or two) similar in plot/themes to Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte and Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier written in the last 200 years. Preferably by a female author.

Any help? <3

Hmm, if it wasn't for that "last 200 years" restriction, I'd have suggested Pamela. It's got both the occasionally quite stupid heroine and the brooding master/husband-to-be with a Dark Past...
Give Jane a little more credit than that, she's not half the self-righteous, conniving little madam that Pamela is.

I think Mrs (Ann) Radcliffe might fit the bill, if you like the gothic. Mysteries of Udolpho is the best-known one, I think.
Reply 3
Give Jane a little more credit than that, she's not half the self-righteous, conniving little madam that Pamela is.

Yes, but then again she's something like five years older than her.:wink:

How about Northanger Abbey, by the way? It's only got very vague plot similarities, though.
Reply 4
the handmaids tale by margaret atwood. i know its a sciencefiction dystopia novel, but has the same female first person narrative, as jane eyre and rebecca, deals with the past, as does rebecca, and deals with social status, as does jane eyre.

i did a level coursework comparing the handmaids tale to jane eyre, theres alot to discuss.
I haven't read Jane Eyre and this is kinda obvious but Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is set at an oppressive environment and has similar elements of unease and moodiness to Rebecca. Rebecca is better though. In my opinion. But it is better.
Reply 6
i'd say your best bet is the turn of the screw by henry james.
Reply 7
i'd say your best bet is the turn of the screw by henry james.

Definitely seconded. If you use that one, Villette would work as well.
Reply 8
you could try Dian Pearson's The Marigold Field
Reply 9
Have you read wide sargasso sea... ?

Also although not really like the two mentioned the bell jar is a good text dealing with a female's life