The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I'm almost to the end of my Cert Ed, which I have done over the last 2 years while lecturing in an FE college. It wasn't too difficult, just time consuming. However, the format has changed this year and I think it is a little more complex, but you will manage just fine.
NOt me but a friend I did a phd with, he is at a HEFCE teaching and is doing the cert PT. he seems to be coping fine. It seems to me that this is what most FE folk do.

I would not imagine many folk take a year out to do that.
Reply 3
Hi there,

I'm doing the cert ed at the moment, i'm doing it over 2 years. I'm just on my first year at the moment doing my second assignment. I'm finding it difficult and time consuming to get done. I also work full time. Good luck with it.
Reply 4
Hi this is Woodzmum, I have successfully completed my first year. Now i'm 5 weeks into my second year. First assignment about curriculum, hmmm very exciting. good luck. :smile:
Reply 5
I'm applying for a PGCE Cert Ed. Any tips for the supporting statement?:eek:
Yeah I have two friends who are lecturers at an FE college and have done their qualifications simultaneously. It's been hard work for them - but they said it was worth it :smile: