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Reply 1
I can't offer you advice on how to get over it, but I know I'm going to be exactly the same when my cat dies. She's older than me and I've had her all my life. I positively love her, and value her more than most people. I suppose you can find comfort knowing that he wasn't aware of what was happening to him, so it wasn't as if he was afraid or confused by your actions. To him, he was just with you and then he wasn't.

I hope you feel better soon.
Reply 2
Oh hunny. It will hurt less in time.
At least he isn't in pain now, he was old anyway, wasn't he? Though I know that's no consolation.
Reply 3
We have a cat called Alice - she was a present to us all from my father in Christmas '04. She's stunningly cute and gorgeous. She's white, with a grey face and tail. She's become part of the daily rituals: She'll come in an purr on my bed in the morning, then go and sit on my parents' bed and meow to be fed. It's so easy to take moments like this for granted... 'you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone'.
In your case, it seems that you and your family truly treasured that dog. You should be safe in the knowledge that he was well looked after and that you did all you can for him and that he lived for as long as he could have possibly done.
Sorry four your loss. I hope you feel better soon.
Reply 4
That was heartbreaking to read. I'm sorry for your loss. He was more than 'just an animal' to you, he was part of your family- so it'll obviously take some time to get over. But, as cliche as it sounds, atleast he is no longer suffering.
Reply 5
6 8 to
I don't know if he has been in any pain. Infact, I don't think he has been in pain. What he has been like in the last few months has been getting progressively worse, though.

For example, he'd become so restless. Whenever we put him on his doggy blanket on his space on our sofa he would jump off, then immediately want to get back up.. then down.. then up..

Then he'd walk around in circles, 5, 6, 7, 8 times and then just stop.

He also chattered his teeth a lot in the last few months. Obviously he couldn't help it.

His legs had gone incredible weak; whenever he was standing still he would slowly, but surely, end up seated as his legs would have given way.

He could no longer get up the stairs and could not control his bladder.

Yesterday morning my Mum said he hadn't slept all night, and was unlike ever before. Then apparently he tried to climb the stairs for some reason, got up two of them then fell back down and hurt himself. I think this was the final straw in her decision.

It's just left me totally heartbroken.

When you think of Lucky, is this what you think of? When an animal is that ill and old, they're not the same pet they used to be. Ultimately it would have been more upsetting for him to live like that, especially since he couldn't understand what was wrong. You could have waited until the end of the day, but time only makes old age worse. I know you must feel absolutely terrible, but it was the right thing to do.
Awww I feel so sorry for your loss. I'm sure Lucky has without a doubt gone to heaven now. It is definatly goign to take time to heal your loss, but when you do finally recover you will be a stonger person with even more love to give to the world. Take care, good luck. Heres a hug xxxx.
Reply 7
Aww That's so sad :frown:
I don't know how i'll cope when our dog dies :frown:

You did the right thing by putting him down. You don't want him to be in pain :hugs:
Reply 8
OP - When you get the time, you should read The Lovely Bones. That has a nice dog-owner reunion in it.
I know exacatly how you feel. 2 years ago i lost my beloved dog Tommy, who was my best friend in the whole world and i felt i couldn't cope after he had passed. Not a day goes by when i dont think about him or kiss his picture.

It takes a long long time to get over the loss of a loved pet, infact im not sure you can ever get over it, you just need to keep reminding yourself of the many wonderful times you shared together, and know that you gave him the most wonderful life a dog could ever have wished for, you were his best friend and his saviour and he will always have cherised memories of you.

You will miss him during your lifetime just as much as he is missing you up in heaven, so keep remembering that you and Lucky will meet again one day. For that is what i believe.
op - please take a look at this turn your speakers on xx
I just watched it again too, makes my cry endlessly every time, but it also brings hope.

Time definatly is a healer.
Reply 12
6 to 8, I really feel for you. You sound like you're in the most terrible pain right now, and I know the agony that you're going through. Losing a pet is such a crushing loss - our pets aren't just pets, they're our friends, part of the family, someone we love.

15 years is a great long life for a dog, and you sound like a wonderful devoted owner, so I am sure Lucky had a fantastic life and appreciated having someone like you.

It's so upsetting when you see your beautiful pet so ill, in pain, and unable to do the simplest things, like walk. He sounds like a really brave little guy with real spirit, giving it his best to try to walk, but if he was in incredible pain it was probably better to let him go.

Right now, I know your pain feels to great to bear. In the days after losing a pet, I've found myself permanently in tears, sobbing, and even screaming out with grief, crumbled to the floor. I'm actually crying right now, remembering those times. I felt like there was nothing to live for, if my pet wasn't here, what was the point, I didn't want to be here either. I couldn't find pleasure in anything and I was constantly tortured by my loss, desperate to sleep so I could escape into dreams where he was still alive. I know the anguish. But you will move past it. For a few days, it will be incredibly painful, but, gradually, the pain will become less raw and you'll be able to think of the good things about Lucky, rather than the sadness.

I guess you may be feeling a little resentment towards your mum about her decision to have Lucky put to sleep. She probably thought it was for the best though, and didn't want to see him suffering any more. I know I would never be able to have a pet put to sleep, but in a way I guess that could be seen as selfish, keeping an animal here because I didn't want to have to let go. I think you need to have a talk with your mum, if you can, tell her how you're feeling and let it all out, and just have a hug. It's important to have someone to comfort you at this time.

I think you would like to read 'Rainbow Bridge.' You can find it by searching on Google. It is a really beautiful and heart-warming poem, that really touched me when I first read it last year when I lost my Staffy. It might make you cry, but out of the sheer beauty of it and knowing that one day you will be reunited with Lucky, because you will. He will be looking down on you from Heaven and will be with you for the rest of your life. He'll be having a great time up there and will want you to be happy!

'Pain' from 'The Prophet' by Kahlil Gibran has also helped me through the loss of my pets. Just try to remember you gave Lucky a great life, you loved him and you continue to love him, and he loved you and still does. He's up there, happy and well, and will always be in your heart, forever. Time is a healer. You will always remember him, but in time to come, you won't think of him with sadness, but with happiness, remembering the great times, the funny things he did, the fun times you shared.

God bless you and God bless Lucky, he's in a better place now but he will always be with you. xxx
:frown: I'm really sorry to hear about Lucky. I get so upset when my animals die, it's such a sharp pain, I think it's often more acute than that associated with a human loss, but then the upside is that I feel it peaks and subsides much much more quickly. Grief at the loss of a human is a real slow burner. I really hope you can remember the good times you had with your lovely dog, and take comfort knowing that you were the best of owners right up to the end. Putting him to sleep was absolutely the kindest thing you could have done for him, he would really appreciate it. It will get easier, I know it's so hard now. I made a complete arse of myself a few months ago because I was sitting on the tube and had had a really bad day and started thinking about a chinchilla I had who I loved so so much and started crying, right there in public! :O Very embarrassing, but it shows how much we care for our animals. I was absolutely devastated when she died, cried for an entire weekend without really stopping and most of the following Monday at school as well. I really hope you feel better soon :hugs: xx
Reply 14
Glad to be able to offer some comfort. :redface: All the best and I really do hope you start to feel better soon. :hugs: xxx
I'm really sorry to read your post, OP - it's horrible to lose a pet, you have my sympathy :frown:
And although it might sound cliched, I'm guessing from your post that Lucky was quite an old dog, and so you've given him a full and happy life.
I don't know if it would work for everyone, but when our first dog died, we got another one quite soon after. We didn't forget our old dog, but it was nice to have another pet to love and cuddle - my mum took it especially badly; but having another pet to give affection to definately helped her, rather than having such a huge gap in our lives.
I was really angry at the time that my parents didn't bring our dog's body home, but it doesn't mean you can't do something in his memory, put up a little cross in the garden, or plant a tree or something!
My pet mouse called Monty died.
I'm really sorry to read your post, OP - it's horrible to lose a pet, you have my sympathy :frown:
And although it might sound cliched, I'm guessing from your post that Lucky was quite an old dog, and so you've given him a full and happy life.
I don't know if it would work for everyone, but when our first dog died, we got another one quite soon after. We didn't forget our old dog, but it was nice to have another pet to love and cuddle - my mum took it especially badly; but having another pet to give affection to definitely helped her, rather than having such a huge gap in our lives.
I was really angry at the time that my parents didn't bring our dog's body home, but it doesn't mean you can't do something in his memory, put up a little cross in the garden, or plant a tree or something!

Really good ideas there. I do think getting a new puppy can ease the pain a lot although probably best to wait a few weeks before you start thinking about looking for one. The idea isn't to replace Lucky as he will always have a special place in your heart, but I do think that especially with dogs, after they die then the simple absence of a pet where there used to be one can be upsetting in itself. Plus, puppies are really cute and remind you that life is always being renewed, it's a constant cycle, and training it and stuff will keep you busy.

Edit: Oh just thought, perhaps as well as making a little memorial for him you could do like a scrapbook type thing detailing his life with loads of pictures and anecdotes, so that you never forget all the little things you loved about him and can always look back on the happy times whenever you miss him and want to have a little cry.
Reply 18
i am crying my eyes out right now...

i can't bear to think of a time when either of my 2 cats or my dog won't be here. i too am 21 and have had my cats for 16 years now, so i know i don't have long left with them, but you just have to remember the happy happy times you had together.

okay, i can't type anymore. i can hardl see the keybaord.

feel better soon , OP
Reply 19
I hated the idea of getting a new dog. You know you're not trying to replace him, but it still feels as if you are. We still had our other dog and pets to devote our attentions to though. A lady I know whose dog recently died waited a few weeks and then got a puppy - it stopped her from being lonely and it helped her to have a beautiful little doggie who needed her to take her mind off her sadness. I can understand your opposition to the idea, because you feel you'll never love any animal as much, but you can, just in a different way. You may feel guilty, but you wouldn't be replacing Lucky, just having someone to focus your attentions and love on and giving another dog a wonderful home - I'm sure Lucky would want other dogs to have lives as fantastic as his was! As you say, it's probably best to wait though - right now you can try and focus your attentions on each other to try to get through the pain.