If practicing Medicine is your aim, then if I were you this is what I'd consider. I can't say I know much about this so hope it's some help.
One would be to redo the courses that let your grade down. But as you probably know, they may look unfavourably at this and either not accept it or offer only exceptionally high requirements and they won't treat you as a normal undergraduate applicant.
Another possibility I think is to try and ask around at the uni, find out from the lecturers if it is possible to convert to medicine after 1st, second or third year. This may or may not be possible because of government quotas imposed but I reckon its worth a try.
As with job opportunities with biochemical sciences, I think (though not sure), if you wanted you could use it to become one of those people that examine specimens from patients in labs... dunno what they're called or if you're interested.
Good luck anyway!