The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
i am :biggrin: what block are you in?
Well, i was given Block 1 Flat 5 but in a male only flat!
Strange decisison there... but theyll be changing it, so hopefully still in Maple...which one u in?
Reply 3
oh wow your near me.... im in block 1 flat 8! but in a mixed sex flat....interesting you got put in an all male flat! must be a mistake! which means i guess you'll get moved.. come to my flat :p:
Lol, thankyou for the invite! Well lets hope so, or at least be put near!
I asked for an all female flat, dont want to see boys pubes.
So, what subject you doing.... are u on a gapyear at the min?
Reply 5
i am on a gap year...i did go to uni last year but didnt like my i left! and after a lot of thinking decided to go to a different uni....just for the fresh start...but was hard cos i did love the uni and my friends down in southampton! But yeh...i am very excited for brum now:biggrin:
Am doing sociology.... how bout u? i see your from grimsby....not too far me...i suspect we'll be in the minority of northerners:p:

What did the accom people say when u told them ud bin put in an all male flat? bless them....odd mistake to make! I wanted mixed sex but i put no preferance on my i kno brum dont really do many mixed sex im happy i got one! Just hope the boys are as nice and clean as the ones i lived with last year:p:
Lol, yeh lets hope so ! Well if not you can always corden the flat off to girls side and boys side ! People did say that the organisation at Brum was a bit naff, so maybe now thats become evident!
£16 from the GY- Huddersfield... that shall be from now on, your Yeh, i think we will definatley be in the minority! We should confuse them and use northern sayins- owt,nowt,spoggy watever lol. Theyll be lots of piss taking anyway with our accent, anyways, its good to be different!
Its so great to find other people my own age, there seems to be a few of us who have started uni then didnt find it to our liking so have started again. I had a look at your myspace and it says that you did midwifery... what didnt you like about it ?
Just asking,but what are your plans for freshers week...?
Reply 7
Holly i did exactly the same thing as you, went to another uni and left cause i hated my course, but didnt want to leave cause of my friends. Lets just hope Birmingham is the fresh start we hoped eh?? Oh by the way peeps im in maple bank, cant remeber where abouts cause the letter is so far away!! But yay for all the maple bankers!!
Reply 8
hmmm midwifery... combination of things i didnt enjoy really... i did my research before i went and thought it would be something i wanted to do...however the reality was a bit different... they put the course into uni... but its impossible to lead a uni life your straight into placement after a few weeks....with night shifts and 5am starts or 11pm finishes... and i just ended up not being able to sleep...trying to get home or to the hospital at horrible hours was a nightmare... could never see my uni friends except my flatmates who were great at trying to do stuff to invlove me but even that was hard work...and i just ended up really exhausted, down and fed up...on top of being 5 hours away from home... took me a long time to decide but eventually i just didnt want to be there anymore..wasnt enjoying the work really etc! Its an amazing job if you really really wana do it...and i have the highest respect for the midwives i met! Now i just gota work out what i wana do now :P

freshers week...hopefully similar to last year...just spent a week getting to know my flat mates and surrounding flats...few nights out (im not quite hardcore enough for 7 nights :P maybe 5 lol) and just enjoy getting to know brum i think! how bout u?

seems to be a few gap year students in maple bank...thats quite cool!
Reply 9
Gona get this up to the top of the forum again lol

Anyone else kno if thier in maple bank yet? x
Reply 10
I'm in Maple Bank :smile: Block 8, flat 69. Hey neighbours :smile:
Reply 11
Im in Maple Bank, though changed flats as i'd prefer to be in a single sex flat as it's easier with bathrooms and stuff so unsure which one now.
Reply 12
Block 10 Flat 77:smile:
Brilliant to see that Maple is getting more populated by the day!
Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Anyone in flat 5? Block 1
Yaaaay, just got the letter today. I am in Maple Bank Block 11, Flat 87 and Room 5 :smile:.
Well, i was given Block 1 Flat 5 but in a male only flat!
Strange decisison there... but theyll be changing it, so hopefully still in Maple...which one u in?

Hey. Not in Maple bank this year - was last year though! I noticed you've been put in my old flat - Block 1 flat 5 of maple bank! Also noticed you're having problems with it. The same thing happened to me last year - i was put in that flat, but they messed up my form and put me with all fourth years! Strange to see they've made a mistake with that flat again - it must be jinxed! I'm on the same course as you too (Med and Mod History) which is even stranger!!
Must be cursed! Ill check it out n see if any american indians are buried underneath it :smile: lol
Lord, that is slightly strange the conincidence of the whole situation. Since you have experience on this, your knowledge is vital!
Whats the flat like? Is it on the bottom floor or anything? Anythign wrong with it?
Also, you know with history, they offer you to become members of the history society and the hilton library aswell dont they? Is it worth it do you think, or should you just leave it all till you get there etc?
The flat is pretty nice, but small (as all of maple bank is!). But its in a good condition. The rooms are REALLY nice. Propbably the best decorated out of all of the accomodations. The colour scheme of the flat is green in case you wanted to know lol. We didnt hugely use the communal area last year, as the people i was living with were hermits! The flat is on the second level, which is pretty good. Which room are you in? I was in 3. But if i were you i would ring up the uni just to check that it isnt a returners flat, cos it really took away from my first year experience. Plus, make sure you and your flat go and introduce yourself to the flats nearby in freshers week!
On teh history subject i'd probably leave both till you get there. I didnt use Rodney Hilton once, nor did anyone else i know! I didnt join the history society, but it might be worth it (but again you could probably leave it!). I'd advise you to try and go on the bar crawl at the start oif the year cos its a good way of meeting people!
Reply 18
Do they put returners all 2getha? Im not returning but i am a gap year student and i did go to a diff uni and dropped out last year? Not that i mind being with some people returning but i kinda just wanted to be mixed in with everyone! :confused:

ps. is all block one colour scheme green? my duvvet will not match :P!
Most gap-years they put in together, but it's not always the case. With mine i was with proper returners - they were all in their early twenties (and 3/4 of them were foreign!). The bottom floor on all maple bank blocks is red, the middle floor is green and the top floor is purple! So if you're in Block 1 flat 1-3 it'll be red, 4-6 it'll be green and if you're in 7-9 it'll be purple!