Ok, I reckon the above needs a reply.
When Jon broke up with me, I was completely lost. I had had a string of things go wrong and had been ill for a while, failed my second year because of illness. I also came out of my last relationship which had been 18 months in length and in which I had lived with the guy since day one (in uni halls.) in such a mess. That relationship haven't just ended, it decayed slowing and horribly.
When I got with Jon, it took a lot because I was still lost and confused about a lot of things in my life and I still am. I had a great week with him but a relationship or a friendship with him is something I can't cope with.
Since our break-up, I have learnt how to rely on myself. Something I never did because I always had someone to do everything for me. At home - my parents, at uni - my ex. I am working full time to sort out a serious overdraft, filing in forms which might get me extra money for my course etc. In a couple of weeks, I am going to help my department out with welcome freshers and start getting involved with my department again, maybe join a society.
I don't want a relationship with anyone, for the first time in quite a few years, I am not looking for a relationship. Neither do I want a friendship with Jon. To be honest, I have never broken up with a guy, they have always broken up with me and I have usually been hurt to even talk to the guy, or sometimes we have tried to "be friends" and its not worked out.
Jonathan, you know all this, writing a message online, is not going to change the fact I don't want to be in contact with you. I know you never can stand one side when somebody is having a tough time of it but you are now smothering me. I have an answerphone full of your messages and the last 15 txt messages I have recieved have been from you. I am not replying because I am serious. I don't want to have contact with you.
Please respect that and stop all your efforts to make contact with me. Its not going to work.