My first love was some English guy, we were together for around two and a half years. I'm from Scotland so there was a fair bit of distance involved, he meant the world to me though, I wasn't going to let that get in the way of our relationship. Things were good for ages, in my eyes anyway, and he could do nothing wrong. He said the most wonderful things about me, and I fell for him completely.
He lied to me about a lot of things, he would watch girls on their webcams, he would send naked pictures of himself to girls, accept their rude pictures and the likes. If he was going to lie to me, he could have at least went out and got laid instead of doing it online. Needless to say, I was hurt and told him where to go.
We never split up in the end, he had this hold on me and made me believe that nobody else would want me, that nobody else would love me the way that he did. I fell for it, I believed him, therefore I stuck by him while he did such things. It was stupid, and I realise it could be a lot worse, but it wasn't nice.
I got bored of him, and the relationship. I couldn't forgive him for all the lies he told me, and other people. I met my current boyfriend, we were best friends, and I realised that I could do so much better than some guy who was quite willing to lie to me about everything, and not make the effort to see me. I got shot of him, and he turned on me. He called me all sorts, he called my a dirty whore, and every other name under the sun because I realised that I had been stupid.
He was my first love, as strange as that must sound. He treated me badly, and I was stupid to let him do it, but I got out of there and met someone amazing. I've got more than I could ever ask for, he has nothing, and nobody. The guy has no friends that aren't online, he never see's the light of day. I feel sorry for him, but i'll never forgive him.