The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Birmingham's good...

[shameless_plug]Jarratt Hall's Awesome[/shameless_plug]

I've just been rooting round my computer and I found these photos of My flatmate's Room (Average size)




Inside Jarratt Hall:
Reply 2
Hi Golion.
I am really happy to meet you, a Chinese student like me, who is going to study in bham this fall.
I'm starting from undergraduate entry point 2. What about you.
And What course are you going to study?

Hope to see you in bham :smile:
Reply 3
Thanks Bobboit alottttt , for your lovely pics and now im feelling quite confident and happy with Jarratt hall:wink: hopefully i will get one soon. And for gldavidest, :p: yeah,so glad to meet you here, i will be in the school of mathematics this year as an undergraduate, what about u guys?:biggrin: hope to see u soon
Reply 4
PS: since i choose Jarratt hall as my first chioce, what is the possibility for me to get in?
hiya, I'm starting at b'ham this year too (if I meet my offer)! I'm from the UK but I thought i'd say hi anyway because I've requested Jarratt (or Elgar) on my application form too.

The rooms look really cool at jarratt, don't they. I think you've got a fair chance of getting in there but don't get too attached to the idea because apparently most people don't get what they want :frown:

I'm doing physics btw so I'll probably be around the maths dept a bit!
Reply 6
hiya, I'm starting at b'ham this year too (if I meet my offer)! I'm from the UK but I thought i'd say hi anyway because I've requested Jarratt (or Elgar) on my application form too.

The rooms look really cool at jarratt, don't they. I think you've got a fair chance of getting in there but don't get too attached to the idea because apparently most people don't get what they want :frown:

I'm doing physics btw so I'll probably be around the maths dept a bit!

Oh hi, Surfer, nice to meet u here, and hopefully both of us can get in to jarratr hall,lol, hope to see u in Sept.:p:
Reply 7
Thanks Bobboit alottttt , for your lovely pics and now im feelling quite confident and happy with Jarratt hall:wink: hopefully i will get one soon. And for gldavidest, :p: yeah,so glad to meet you here, i will be in the school of mathematics this year as an undergraduate, what about u guys?:biggrin: hope to see u soon

Im going to do electronic engineering in bham.

I applied for Jarratt, too. But I tell the office that my first choice would be Shackleton. I think both are perfect. You know, i get used to eat in dining halls, as we did in Chinese universities. So, a Catered hall will be my preference, ha :smile:
Brum's amazing - but it's what you make it! Knock on everyone's door in your blocks cause you'll meet loads of people!