The Student Room Group

Chances of getting in?

What are the chances of getting in to Oxbridge if u have 6As and 4 Bs at GCSE?
I applied to Bristol (which is actually better for the course I want to do, Biochemistry) and got though the first round but didn't get an interview.

I thought that i would be more likely to get in there than to Oxbridge, which has a better international reputation. Do you think that's true?

I have a friend who got 9A*s and an A at GCSE and he didn't even get an interview for cambridge!
On the other hand, a friend who has got an offer from Cambridge had worse AS results than me.

I'm basically wondering if it would be worth me rejecting my other offers (my firm is for York) and applying again this year to Oxbridge.

Spank you for your information :tongue:
Cat x

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Reply 1
What are the chances of getting in to Oxbridge if u have 6As and 4 Bs at GCSE?
I applied to Bristol (which is actually better for the course I want to do, Biochemistry) and got though the first round but didn't get an interview.

I thought that i would be more likely to get in there than to Oxbridge, which has a better international reputation. Do you think that's true?

I have a friend who got 9A*s and an A at GCSE and he didn't even get an interview for cambridge!
On the other hand, a friend who has got an offer from Cambridge had worse AS results than me.

I'm basically wondering if it would be worth me rejecting my other offers (my firm is for York) and applying again this year to Oxbridge.

Spank you for your information :tongue:
Cat x

I wouldn't bother. I prefer Bristol to Cambridge anyway, although I don't like York very much.
Reply 2
Depends how much you like Oxford/Cambridge and how much you like York. York seems a very nice uni, and if you dump them then reapply next year they may bear a grudge. You may get into Oxbridge but you may not. You seem to realise this from what you say about your friends. It seems as though Oxbridge will forgive GCSEs if the candidate is otherwise excellent, but you would need top grades in your ASs and A2s and a very good personal statement, and even then it's no guarantee. I think you have to weigh up whether or not you want to take a risk, and how much you actually want to go there.
If you search the archives of this board you will find several previous threads from people in the same situation as yourself.

Did you apply to Oxbridge this year and get turned down? Or did you not apply? If you did apply, did you get any feedback from your interview? (Your school may have some, even if you don't.) Have a look at this and see if it explains areas where you can improve.

Don't be too down about getting rejected from Bristol. Almost everyone gets at least one rejection. I've never heard of a university having 'rounds' of applications as you describe. I always thought it was just apply through UCAS, then the uni either accepts you, rejects you or asks you for an interview.

As everyone else has said, re-applying is taking a big risk. There is no guarentee you would get into York, or any of your other choices, again. Are you prepared to take this risk? One of my best friends got in through re-applying, but I am sure many people will post about people they know who didn't get in.

Apply for the course and not just the place. If you go to the interview just because you want to be at Oxbridge, and not because you want to do the course, you will be rejected. They like people who are very enthusiastic about their courses.
Reply 4
[QUOTE= I've never heard of a university having 'rounds' of applications as you describe. I always thought it was just apply through UCAS, then the uni either accepts you, rejects you or asks you for an interview.

When I said rounds I meant that they sent me a letter saying they were 'seriously considering' me and had rejected poor applicants already and given offers strait off to the very good ones. out of the rest, some were going to be offered interviews and some reviewed again and then rejected. It seemed easier to describe it as just getting through the first 'round'. Sorry bouts any confusion.

It's also annoying that in the letter they said that in previous years I probably would have gotten in.

And Ralfskini, why do you prefer Bristol? They did seem quite stuck up to me, but I still would have accepted if they'd offerec. And why don't you like York? I loved it the first time I had a look around
Reply 5
And why don't you like York? I loved it the first time I had a look around

And I think therein may lie your answer!
Reply 6
Yay another biochemist! :biggrin:

Don't feel too bad about Bristol; they have an insane amount of applications, and only 60 places per year on the course. I was under the impression that the interview was a formality (mine was a group chat) and if they invite you for one, you're almost definitely going to get an offer, so you must have been quite close. This year, their typical offer was AAB whereas in the new prospectus they say AAA-AAB, so it's getting more and more competitive.

Also, remember that if you re-apply through UCAS, it's going to be more difficult this year to get in to unis due to students trying to avoid top-up fees. Unless you are pretty sure you're going to get AAA in your exams, there's not much point in holding out for Oxbridge. And putting your life on hold for a year is a big sacrifice (unless you really want to work/travel?)

York is an excellent uni, and has an especially good reputation for biology (don't know about biochem specifically). Also, you said you loved it, and university life will be amazing wherever you go!
Reply 7

Also, remember that if you re-apply through UCAS, it's going to be more difficult this year to get in to unis due to students trying to avoid top-up fees.

It's been stated that those who take a gap year before starting uni in 2006 will not be affected by top up fees; only those who actually go straight from school to uni in 2006 will have to pay.
Reply 8
It's been stated that those who take a gap year before starting uni in 2006 will not be affected by top up fees; only those who actually go straight from school to uni in 2006 will have to pay.

Really? I know someone who will be very glad to hear this!
Reply 9
You have an exactly 1 in 17 chance. Seriously though, what do you expect people to say?
We're not admissions tutor, and we don't know all the other student that are applying for the same subject and college, so are unable to give a good answer. Do you have a chance - Yes. Is it likely you'll get in? - If those GCSEs are a true reflection of your academic ability, probable not; might as well try though.
Reply 11
Yay another biochemist! :biggrin:

OO a soulmate! did you get into Bristol then?

Thanks for your wise words every1...
but I have decided York was a good choice - I liked the course structure and the city and the campus and, as my wise, eccentric bio teacher was telling me on fri nite in the pub (when he was quite drunk, as he always is outside school), York will probably get me in the door just like oxbridge, cos it's about 4/5th in league tables, but it's up to the individual to prove themself in an interview - which I will do.

*triumphant, inspirational, tarzan style war cry* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

Cat x
Reply 12
Glad to hear it :smile: I'm sure you'll enjoy York. It sounds like a great uni (definitely on my application form, possible firm/insurance)
OO a soulmate! did you get into Bristol then?

Yep, but the offer was AAB, and I decided it was too risky for an insurance (went with ABB from Durham instead). Also, I didn't like Bristol when I visited; in particular, the halls of residence put me off, but it's also a long way from home.

I applied for molecular biology at York instead of biochemistry (in case I changed my mind about which course I wanted) so that's why I didn't consider it for my insurance. But it's an excellent uni, and you'll have a great time! Good luck with your results :smile:
Reply 14
Hmm was your a friend a good student? (the one with A and A* at GCSE) I am pretty sure Cambridge interview about 98% of applicants and they claim they only reject ppl from interview if they have something TERRIBLY wrong with application. I think you will definately get interview if your reference is positive.

Also I heard Bristol reject some ppl solely on the basis that they applied to Oxbridge.
Reply 15
Glad to hear it :smile: I'm sure you'll enjoy York. It sounds like a great uni (definitely on my application form, possible firm/insurance)

Hmmm... I can't say I think that's a desperately good idea. To my mind the cost of studying outside of Scotland was only offset by the reputation of Cambridge. Of course, it's your decision to make but five of my six places were given up to Scottish universities and courses.
I wouldn't bother. I prefer Bristol to Cambridge anyway, although I don't like York very much.

Why aren't you going to Bristol then? :confused:
Why aren't you going to Bristol then? :confused:

I remember him saying that out of his 6 applications, he got 2 offers and 4 rejections; 1 being Cambridge.

So he probably got rejected from Bristol.

And this is Ralfskini, one of the cleverest people in the world! :biggrin:

Also I heard Bristol reject some ppl solely on the basis that they applied to Oxbridge.

Yes, further emphasizing the justification of the current admissions process. Along with the "let's see who lies the best and can get away with it" UCAS Form.
Reply 19
Hmmm... I can't say I think that's a desperately good idea. To my mind the cost of studying outside of Scotland was only offset by the reputation of Cambridge. Of course, it's your decision to make but five of my six places were given up to Scottish universities and courses.

Well I'm hoping to get most of my fees paid for me so it might end up cheaper going to England. I'm thinking 4 English 2 Scottish atm. Plus I don't like the idea of city unis very much and most of the Scottish ones are. Heriot Watt don't do politics, and St Andrews only do Int Relations and I don't want to go there. :frown: