Is it normal to loose interest in every boyfriend within the first 3 months?? I have only ever wanted to stay with one boyfriend in my life and we had to split up due to the distance. The rest of them I have lost interest in, I can't understand why- they are usually my ideal boyfriend, I am attracted to them, they have a good personality, we get on well and I genuinly want to stay friends with them, just not in a relationship with them. It makes it really hard to break up with them because all I can say is, I think we should just be friends- the lame back out way of breaking up with someone but its the truth, I just simply realise they aren't who I want to be with.
I've tried to be brutally honest with myself to try and find out why I can't remain interested and I can't work it out. I just prefer to be single and am worried that I will never meet anyone that I want to be in a relationship with for longer than a few months! Does anyone else understand what I'm talking about or is it just me? Can anyone suggest why it might be?? I always start off liking them and thinking that it will be different, but it never is!
I'm currently just over 3 months into a relationship with a great guy, but we've gone our seperate ways for the summer holidays and I don't miss him at all, he's asked me to visit and i'm not excited about seeing him like you should be if you genuinely like someone and I honestly don't know why. How am I supposed to break up with someone and give them a valid reason, which he deserves, when I don't know why I want to??
This has happened 4 times now, I really get on well with them but once we break up they usually stop speaking to me and its obviously never the same, we can never just be friends so we usually just end up not speaking and that not what I want to happen as I do like them as people and it causes a rift between groups of friends. I wish I could stay in a relationship but I don't see the point in staying in one that I don't want to be in!