The Student Room Group
It is perfectly normal especially if your partner is very busy with work or something.
Just wonderin' how long have you lasted not talking to your partner? And if it's normal not to talk for a couple of days, if tho you haven't had a fight? x

It's normal not to talk like everyday even if you haven't had a fight. Some people on days either just like their space or are too tired etc...

To be fair I talk to my boyfriend nearly every day may it be only for a few minutes but if he's busy or whatever I understand and leave him alone ;yes;
Reply 3
We try and make contact at least once a day. Probably the only times we don't are if one or other of us is going to be out that evening, is ill, or on holiday.
Reply 4
We try and make contact at least once a day. Probably the only times we don't are if one or other of us is going to be out that evening, is ill, or on holiday.

ditto we try to contact each other everyday but we dont if one of us is ill busy or on holiday
Just wonderin' how long have you lasted not talking to your partner? And if it's normal not to talk for a couple of days, if tho you haven't had a fight? x

i couldnt go a day without talking to my partner lol x
We do tend to at least text every day....I normally get a lil worried if I dont hear anything from him! That is after three years though....for the first few months I think we did go for a few days at a time and it didn't really bother me too much!
Reply 7
We make a point of speaking to each other every other day - I mean mostly we text once a day (he lives in London, I live in Southampton) but don't go longer than every other day without speaking.
Reply 8
i talk to my boyfriend every day... even when i'm not in the country.

i'm glad i've found someone as needy as me :p:
Yeah i speak to my boyfriend on most days, but not that much now as he hasn't paid his phone bill so we prob won't text/ring as much! This has happened before, i hated it! there'd be days where i haven't spoken to him and I would miss him so much!
I usually speak to my boyfriend either every day or every other day. He has a full time job so is very busy at the moment, and I'm also pretty busy at the moment. At the beginning of our relationship we used to speak to each other 3 times a day...
No i was just wondering- as I'm only in a 2 and abit month relationship and i was wondering what was the norm? we haven't since each other since june..
Reply 12
Erm, definitely talk to him everyday by some form...generally a conversation, even if we're busy. However, we hardly ever get to spend time alone: in 8 months we've had something like 13 dates, so i'd say a large part of our relationship developed through texting/msn. hmm... think its individual circumstances that matter really.

It doesn't matter too much if you haven't seen him since June, as long as you want to see him.
Me :)
Erm, definitely talk to him everyday by some form...generally a conversation, even if we're busy. However, we hardly ever get to spend time alone: in 8 months we've had something like 13 dates, so i'd say a large part of our relationship developed through texting/msn. hmm... think its individual circumstances that matter really.

It doesn't matter too much if you haven't seen him since June, as long as you want to see him.

Not sure if I'm too bothered cos if we are still together at university then we probably end up living in each other pockets!
I talk to mine mainly in the evening, and text during the day every day. We have been together for 3 years. It hasn't altered in that time. I love him and he loves me. The norm is different for everybody. My best friend's bf tended not to text her alot but this was how they were, although he was working full time in the army and she was at university. Being in a relationship beings alot of give and take. You gotta prove to yourself to be paitent and trust the partner if they are not in constant contact.