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Reply 1
Probably about 5%?
Anybody know what percentage of students get 5 As? Just the A-Level equivalent (in a thread in the academic forum) seem to be 8% yet my mum reckons that for Highers it's only about 2%. Going by my school that seems quite a likely estimate, but I don't know how that compares to the rest of the country.

Well considering that the A Level pass rate is something like 98%, and for Higher English it was 60% last year, I would assume that far fewer get straight As than darn sarf.
Reply 3
At my school last year it was something like 10% - but that was EXTREMELY unusual and the head of year just about had a heart attack. Usually it's about 5% - but then again my school was in a very middle class area and is used to coming at the top of what used to be the Scottish league tables.
Reply 4
In my year, 7 out of about 160 got 5 As, though two were post-appeal. So roughly 4%. But I'm at a really good state school, not sure how well we reflect the national average. :confused:
Reply 5
Every year since I started there have been either one or two people getting 5 As, the only exception being the greatest year in school history in which we had 6 of them :eek:.
Most years are about 180 I think.
I think we're nearer the bottom end, although for each extreme low person there's an extreme high person I guess. Rural rather than inner city.
In my year, 7 out of about 160 got 5 As, though two were post-appeal. So roughly 4%. But I'm at a really good state school, not sure how well we reflect the national average. :confused:

But then in general (as proven by SG results) your year isn't as good as mine :tongue:
Reply 7
Meow Meow :biggrin:
Do I sense a little competition here:? :biggrin:
Reply 8
Anybody know what percentage of students get 5 As? Just the A-Level equivalent (in a thread in the academic forum) seem to be 8% yet my mum reckons that for Highers it's only about 2%. Going by my school that seems quite a likely estimate, but I don't know how that compares to the rest of the country.

Is that including GS?
Reply 9
Talking about Scottish Highers not A-Levels, so no General Studies included :wink:
But then in general (as proven by SG results) your year isn't as good as mine :tongue:

I know, my year was pretty bad. The year before me was also better :rolleyes:

Acaila - where exactly do you live? Sorry, I'm very nosy :tongue:
Reply 11
About 15 miles north of Inverness. A little place (a scummy little place :rolleyes: ) called Dingwall.
About 15 miles north of Inverness. A little place (a scummy little place :rolleyes: ) called Dingwall.

Ooh, I drove through Inverness at the weekend (coming home from Orkney). We stopped for lunch in a place nearby called East Kinkell. Aww, I'm sure Dingwall isn't scummy!
Reply 13
Ah I know it :smile:

And Dingwall is like some kind of hellmouth for neds :wink:
And Dingwall is like some kind of hellmouth for neds :wink:

Ach, neds are unavoidable. You seem to have turned out ok, so it can't be that bad! :tongue:
Reply 15
I'm originally from Stirling, so rather than being pushed into the cult of Burberry, I'm a focal point for all ned animosity.

Wait a sec...

Animosity's far too big a word for neds isn't it? :wink:
I'm originally from Stirling, so rather than being pushed into the cult of Burberry, I'm a focal point for all ned animosity.

Wait a sec...

Animosity's far too big a word for neds isn't it? :wink:

Is it wrong that I think Burberry is quite stylish...?

*slaps self*
Reply 17
Yes :P

Wrong, very very wrong.

You must go and bang your head off War and Peace fifty times to cleanse your soul :P.
Reply 18
Hey Scottish people! How you guys doing? :smile:
Reply 19
Not bad shiny one :smile:
How's you doing?