I've just had a semi break up (we weren't really a proper couple but now we definitely won't be) and basically the boy said he felt like I didn't care as much about him as he did about me, which I don't think is true. But thinking about it, I do tend to be very relaxed about relationships and I'm wondering whether that's a bad thing, or a sign that I'm not very interested. I don't necessarily not want a serious relationship, but I'm not very possessive at all and I tend to think a lot of girls get upset about stupid things. Like, when my friends are ranting about how their boyfriend has cancelled a date or something, I nearly always think they're overreacting. I don't worry about my boyfriends being friends with other girls and I trust them not to cheat on me, even though I've been cheated on before. I also maybe don't spend as much time with my boyfriends as a lot of my friends do. I definitely speak to them every day for an hour or so and see them three or four times a week, but I always spend a lot of time with my friends as well. I've seen a lot of people lose their friends by spending too much time with their boyfriends and don't want that to happen to me. Also, even if I'm really infatuated with someone I like my own company as well and I can't stand being with people 24/7.
Is there something wrong with being like this? Am I only ever going to have casual relationships if I act like this? Because that's not what I want. I got out of a serious relationship a few months ago and I'm okay with being single for a while but what this guy has said has really got to me and makes me wonder if the problem's with me. Most guys tend to like that I'm not in their pockets at the beginning of the relationship but do you all expect more after a while? Because I don't think I'm ever going to be really needy or possessive - that's just not how I am, but I don't want it to come across as if I'm not interested.