The Student Room Group

General practice surveyor career

Hi, I am looking into this as a future career and would like to know people's views on it, as I would like to go into a construction or property and surveying seems to be one of the most lucrative and interesting career in these fields.
I would also be looking to specialize in planning and development as these are where my interests lie and would like to hear from anyone who knows about this.
Also what is quantity surveying like in terms of salary compared to general practice?

Thank you
Reply 1
This doesn't answer your question directly but if you look on the website (cambridge) they do a BA in Land Economy with I believe is focused around property surveying and gains you some exemptions from professional examinations. Have heard it can indeed lead to highly lucrative career prospects!
I'm about to start a degree in development and planning, accredited by royal chartered surveyor people and planning people. Its a good career with many routes and options. I think a graduate will ear 18-25k, and once established with experience you'd probably be earrning 40k. However these can rise significantly if you work abroad or climb the ladder in a big firm. I think quantity surveying is better pay, but its quite different. Have a look on the RICS website and research what you are interested in. The normal route is to do an accredited degree and then 2 years apc, like on the job training.
Reply 3
Tony_Ron... [EDIT] Just checked at work... It is accredited. Sorry about that. [/EDIT] Surveying careers tend to reach a ceiling if you're not a Chartered Surveyor. You have to be bloody good, or bloody lucky otherwise.

I'd have a look on the MacDonald & Co. salary survey if I were you. ( It has salaries for people of different grades and different disciplines.

QS is very well paid, but the big work is in the Middle/Far East. P&D is quite well paid in the UK, particularly in large prestigious development zones, like the Thames Gateway project etc.

Gimme a shout if you've got any questions.
Reply 4
Mad Vlad
Tony_Ron... it may be a lovely degree from Cambridge, but it's not RICS accredited and won't get you ANY exemption from the APC. In fact, you won't even be able to get on the APC with that degree! You'd have to do an accredited MSc or PgDip. Surveying careers tend to reach a ceiling if you're not a Chartered Surveyor. You have to be bloody good, or bloody lucky otherwise.

That's untrue - in my very considerable experience.
Reply 5
Depends what specialism you are going in to. Valuation for example - you won't get anywhere without being Chartered. The top P&D jobs in the UK tend to go to Chartered Surveyors and it's well documented that Chartered Surveyors earn more than their non-chartered counterparts.
Reply 6
Mad Vlad
Depends what specialism you are going in to. Valuation for example - you won't get anywhere without being Chartered. The top P&D jobs in the UK tend to go to Chartered Surveyors and it's well documented that Chartered Surveyors earn more than their non-chartered counterparts.

Yes, valuation you may have a point. QS's I very much doubt that you do. I know a lot of Managing Surveyors who are not Chartered (some frankly never got past HNC) You reach a point where experience accounts for a hell of a lot more than "MRICS" behind you name. And, on the international circuit nobody really gives a toss about professional affiliations anyway.
Reply 7
My gran had a Survey done when she was selling her house.:biggrin: A guy came round and checked into the house etc. What type of surveyor would this be? Is it even a real surveyor or just some sort of estate agent hybrid?:confused:
Reply 8
My gran had a Survey done when she was selling her house.:biggrin: A guy came round and checked into the house etc. What type of surveyor would this be? Is it even a real surveyor or just some sort of estate agent hybrid?:confused:

Not sure. It could have been one of these new "Home Inspectors" or maybe it was someone from the lender - maybe a building surveyor or valuation surveyor - come to check up if the bank's money is being wisely used.
Reply 9
My gran had a Survey done when she was selling her house.:biggrin: A guy came round and checked into the house etc. What type of surveyor would this be? Is it even a real surveyor or just some sort of estate agent hybrid?:confused:

Probably a Residential Survey and Valuation Surveyor. It's not as cut and dry as something like Building Surveyor or Quantity Surveyor. Homebuyers Survey and Valuation reports are generally fairly straightforward, so don't necessarily require a building surveyor to do it - probably a Valuation Surveyor.

It's unlikely to be a Home Inspector... they're only able to do HCRs and EPCs - not a Homebuyers Survey. :smile:
Reply 10
Mad Vlad
Probably a Residential Survey and Valuation Surveyor. It's not as cut and dry as something like Building Surveyor or Quantity Surveyor. Homebuyers Survey and Valuation reports are generally fairly straightforward, so don't necessarily require a building surveyor to do it - probably a Valuation Surveyor.

It's unlikely to be a Home Inspector... they're only able to do HCRs and EPCs - not a Homebuyers Survey. :smile:

I though the government had ****canned all these homebuyers packages things?