The Student Room Group
Reply 1
Im no expert into relationships like but being a guy, he may not have lots of ideas as to what to spend the time with you doing. Im sure you's will already do things but you could make more suggestions so that you spend more time together
Reply 2
Well my gf and i met at our Tae Kwon Do club..were best friends for ages etc then took the next step....but because we are both bright ppl doin a lot of A-Levels we didnt have much time to see each other...So on Average we saw each other once a week....then it gradually got to about twice a week.....the we just finished our exams and i saw her 3 times in one week.....and now she has gone on holiday for over a month so i wont be seeing her at all and i miss her terribly.
I dont think its normal for guys.I mean i want to see keya (my gf) as much as possible, but im one of these crazy lovey dovey guys with this "feminine side" so maybe i dnt fit into the typical guy category.

Can you talk it over with him.I always find the best way to sort something out is to talk face to face with the other person.Just tell him what you have basically said on this thread,in a nice aand polite way....and im sure you 2 are both mature enough to do so and take it from there.Communication is the most important part in any me.Good luck and i hope u sort things out with him :smile: from Andy
Reply 3
Well, i'm not a guy, but i see my boyf about twice a week. We've been going out for over 2 and a half years now, so maybe that's why we've cooled off a bit. As you've only been with him for around a month, maybe you do need to suggest things to do with him, as maybe he isn't sure what to do with you. Suggest that you don't want to be clingy, but you'd appreciate seeing him more often now that you have the chance over the summer holidays. Good luck :smile:
To be honest, you've only been with eachother for a couple of weeks. For the first few months of mine and my boyfriends relationship we would probably only see each other once, twice at the most, a week and that was usually on a night out with our mates. He'd come and spend the night and then we'd meet up again whenever. As we got to know eachother more we wanted to spend more and more time with eachother and gradually we did. Now we live together after being with eachother for about a year and a half. I think it's normal to only see your boyfriend every now and again when you've not been together long
Reply 5
Theres nothing wrong with guys like that :P

:smile: Awww Thankyou:smile:
Reply 6
I see my boyfriend pretty much everyday, if we had it our way we'd spend every second together. It seems most people would get sick of seeing their partners all the time and enjoy time apart. I'm not saying that's unhealthy, but me and my boyfriend just haven't reached that stage yet; we've been together for quite a while but we're never tired of each other, and to be honest I don't think we ever will be. He's lovely :smile:

I know how u feel.I nver get bored of my gf and we always have things to say and do and talk about...and i think if u r really in love then you will both wanna be 2getha every second and u will never get bored of each other ..i guess thts a sign of true love as well:smile:
Reply 7

Unforunately summers here so I won't anymore + shes going on holiday.

But starting in 6 weeks time...everyday @ school.

Loving itttttttttttttttttttttt
Twice a week. I wish it was more.
Reply 9
I see my girlfriend 5-6 times a week,
Admitidley though, most of that time is at school, but we both have alot of free lessons etc. so it's not as if we only see each other in english or whatever.
I see her on some weekends aswell, i'm going to see her way more now though, because i just passed my driving test, so getting to where she lives (i live in a village 5miles away from the town where she lives) will be much easier.

Haven't seen her in almost a week now though, because i've been in bed with tonsillitis and i don't want to risk her getting it, as i wouldn't wish this upon anyone
ive been with my gf for three years and we see each other every single friday saturday sunday nad monday
Reply 11
Me and my gf are both on summer hols so we spend probably 4 days a week together. And were going on holiday for 2 weeks together at the end of the month. Weve been going out for a bit over 5 months. Even if i spend 6 days a week with her il miss her loads on the day i dont see her.
Reply 12
I need advice.
I see my bf every day at school for about 1.30 hours a day on average. We are just doing our a level exams. The only time I really get to be with him is once at the weekend and his parents are so tight he has to go hone at stupid times so he isn't with me long. What's worse is when exams are over he has to stay at home to look after his sister whilst his parents work for most of the time even though his sister is at school moat of the time and is 13. Then in August he Ian going to Ghana for a year then uni when he gets back. I already feel I don't get enough alone time with him( we are always surrounded by people) and then that. I can't cope and don't know what to do. Oh I have been with him for 1 year and 3 months. How can see him more with such controlling parents before hw goes :frown:
Original post by ixnayonthehombre

I'm actually "the girlfriend", but ever since the first night of getting together my boyfriend and I have lived together. We spend every day together and have never had an argument.

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