The Student Room Group
Reply 1
if you're doing foundation you probably won't need one... especially depending on your institution (most of my friends who went UAL do illustrations for design, rather than making garments), as most don't teach sewing skills til degree. but go into john lewis and they have assistants and check the reviews on amazon
Reply 2
if you're doing foundation you probably won't need one... especially depending on your institution (most of my friends who went UAL do illustrations for design, rather than making garments), as most don't teach sewing skills til degree. but go into john lewis and they have assistants and check the reviews on amazon

ah well i already asked some of the tutors went i went for my portfolio assesment and they said they do teach sewing skills from the first term. also i have two friends, twin sisters, who went to CSM & LCF and the technical skills taught on the foundation course were far superior @ LCF than at St Martins. I'd ask their advice about a machine but they in Ontario for the summer.
Reply 3
errrr only trying to help love

as i said. try looking through amazon reviews. or go into john lewis. they have specialists there.

the more you spend. the better a machine you get. a really cheap one will break easily. sad fact of life. so before you go forking out the cash why not use the college ones until you're sure you're going to do design? (alot of my mates went in doing fashion and came out doing fashion promotion or textiles) just a thought
I bet you won't need one til your final major project, but woolworths have some pretty good ones at decent prices.
I have this one and it works like a dream...and it sounds like a sports car when I use it :smile:
Reply 5
errrr only trying to help love

as i said. try looking through amazon reviews. or go into john lewis. they have specialists there.

the more you spend. the better a machine you get. a really cheap one will break easily. sad fact of life. so before you go forking out the cash why not use the college ones until you're sure you're going to do design? (alot of my mates went in doing fashion and came out doing fashion promotion or textiles) just a thought

hey sorry.
well i went out with my mum yesterday and bought one, i tried it in the store, but i don't really know what i was actually supposed to look for. i called up lcf and asked which ones are popular, and luckily the woman i spoke to was able to answer me.

anyways thanks for all you're advice ... love ...

oh, and i'm already sure i want to do menswear design.
Reply 6
i hope someone can help. i'm off to do a foundation A&D year at LCF and need a new sewing machine as my old one is bust! ha. i didn't do textiles, fine art only, and i'm not at school anymore so don't know who to ask. does anyone know of any good sewing machines for a university fashion design course that has a good price too. thanks :smile:

BERNINA sewing machins are quality!!