The Student Room Group

Sports facilities at your uni

Now, obviously I'm not going to decide on which unis to apply to over their sports facilities, but I was wondering if you lot could all just tell me about your unis sports facilities, in particular their gyms/fitness suites.

Are they any good? What is the cost to use them? What hours are they open? Are they busy?

Thanks :smile:
Reply 1
I dont use mine (I am into running outside) so I cannot give you much but

Newcastle University was the only uni in the top 20 of BUSA that does not have a Sports Science or related course.
Reply 2
ours is small, (although we get a new campus next year so it should be bigger), but it only costs something daft like £60 a year. Generally not busy - most students can't be bothered it would seem. We had a swimming pool with sauna - but our new campus won't have. Its open practically the same hours as normal gyms - early to late.

I prefer to go to a health club - just find the jacussi's much more tempting. I have one near my uni which is £26 a month, not bad when the adult rate is £47 a month.
Reply 3
Southampton has amazing sport facilities. they've got a relatively new swimming pool and gym which has every bit of equipment you could need. theres also the wide lane sports grounds with astro football and hockey pitches, tennis courts and lots of other pitches e.g. football and rounders.
you get use of all this for a mere £80 a year if you're a student and your partner and family get cheaper rates as well. some fitness classes are free, like circuit training or body conditioning, but you have to pay extra for yoga and pilates classes. its very good value for money.
Reply 4
I agree with what flyingpig says! Southampton is excellent - and my fella gets the same student price for the gym of like £80 a year even though he isn't a student. It's really good value for money and never ridiculously busy.

Opening times

Monday - Friday 7am -10pm (last entry 9:30pm)
Saturday & Sunday 10am -6pm (last entry 5:30pm)

1 Day Membership - £5
1 Month Membership - £30
3 Months Membership - £75
6 Months Membership - £125
12 Months Membership - £199
Direct Debit monthly payments - £24


The equipment is a modern range supplied by Precor, one of the leading brands in fitness equipment provision. It includes a wide range of Cardio Vascular machines ranging from treadmills, through to x-trainers, steppers and bikes. Additionally, there is a comprehensive free weights section that includes flat benches, a squat rack, Smiths machine, and much more in between. For those who like performing weights on the machines, Precor also supply K4 with their resistance range which accommodates all the major muscle groups around the body. K4 also possesses core stability equipment such as ab-toners and Swiss Balls.
Reply 6
£200!? Wow...
Oxford provision is pretty good - especially in terms of e.g. pitches and courts, since most colleges own / rent their own. In terms of gyms, Iffley gym my membership is... I think around £60 a year, or rather it would be if I actually paid it. A lot of colleges pay for a sort of group membership - so we have 10 cards that can be taken out at any one time. A similar system is run for the pool. The gym isn't huge, so a lot of the time it's fairly busy but it's a decent size.

Also, because of the obvious interest in rowing, and the fact that (almost) every college has a boat house and rowers to fill it, that also means having their own erg machines, and often weights etc too in the boat house.
Reply 7
Went to Bath for an open day and their sports facilities were amazing.
At my campus, they are virtually non-existent, utter crap. Yet the other campus at the University of Bedfordshire, they are excellent.
Reply 9
We don't have a swimming pool, but have pretty new purpose built sports facilities for the majority of sports with plans for a proper athlectics track/stadium in the near future (currently just a grass running lane etc) but that's because of links to the Olympic training facilities.

Also have an international standard climbing wall which is huge
Reply 10
Bath, Loughborough and Brunel are all pretty good.